This cassava cake, also known as mané pelado, is very creamy and very tasty,...
Caion Alves
General director and editor for 16 years, I work with what I love: News from the world, providing a critical view on all political issues.
I play a role in encouraging questioning in readers.
Anyone who hasn’t tried this colorful, light and super tasty tropical salad doesn’t know...
Located at 2600 N Narragansett Ave in Chicago, The Brickyard Mall has been a...
No one can resist this delicious pamonha cake that looks like a June party...
This Open Meat Esfirra recipe looks great!
Make a perfect Sauté Potato for your lunch and dinner!
Seuraa sähkömarkkinoita kätevästi ja suunnittele kulutustasi viisaasti!
Let’s make a very tasty Shrimp in Moranga, check out the recipe!
Made without flour and without eggs, these simple cookies save the day with their...
Follow the step-by-step instructions and learn how to make a delicious and fluffy cornmeal...
This Chuchu Soufflé recipe is delicious! Do it and be surprised.
Let’s make a Baroa Potato Soup that is great to drink in this cold...
Make a Banana Cake with Cinnamon that is wonderful for your breakfast and afternoon!
Be delighted with the simplicity and flavor of this super fluffy gluten-free and lactose-free...
Made without wheat flour, the Maizena cloud cake melts in the mouth and its...
Impress everyone with this elegant, tasty and easy-to-make pineapple tart!
In addition to being super delicious, this tangerine dessert is refreshing, made with few...
With this garlic farofa your dishes gain an accompaniment with unique flavor!
With a taste of a Christmas recipe, these peanut cookies are so delicious that...
A special snack can make our day more delicious, like these delicious cornstarch donuts!
You won’t believe how easy it is to make seasoned cassava that is creamy...
With simple and error-free preparation, this fluffy and tasty corn cake is ideal for...
What this lemon tart has in terms of elegance is flavor and ease of...
This butter seasoned with roasted garlic is perfect for making bread and many other...
Making garlic cream without oil is super easy and the result is a tasty...
Make this skillet bread with oat bran and coconut for an easy, tasty and...
Very easy to make, beijinho doce is a creamy and tasty platter dessert that...
How about a delicious and easy-to-prepare snack? Follow this granola cake recipe to delight!
Delicious and easy dessert, this lemon pavé is prepared without using the fire!
Learn how to make a lactose-free and gluten-free coconut cake so tasty, fluffy and...
Follow the recipe for this ice cream made with only 2 ingredients for an...
Make a French recipe for Ratatouille, they are roasted vegetables that are delicious!
Make a Sausage Roll (Fried, with pastry dough) that looks amazing!
Making tasty and fluffy tapioca bread is very easy and only takes a few...
Make a very tasty Sweet Popcorn for you to enjoy.
Take just a few minutes out of your day and make this easy and...
Bake a delicious Chocolate Pot Cake to eat or sell!
Let’s prepare a Salted Gourmet Popcorn for you to watch that little movie in...
Prepare this persimmon juice for a different, tasty, healthy and practical natural drink!
Made with simple ingredients, this caramelised rice pudding is easy to make and tastes...
Classic and irresistible sweetie, passion fruit cocada is easy to make and the result...
Learn how to make sugar-free apple jam/jelly to eat with a spoon or add...
This tapioca bread recipe is ideal for a tasty snack that doesn’t make a...
Let’s make a very tasty Braised Okra for your lunch with this recipe!
Prepare this avocado spread today for a tasty side dish that’s easy and ready...
This skillet potato bread is made without wheat flour, it’s delicious and it’s super...
Learn how to make a simple, tasty condensed milk cake that has no mistake!
Make a very tasty Eggplant Antipasto. This recipe is great for an appetizer!