Pizza In Blender

Did you know that you can make a very tasty pizza using just the blender and the oven? The dough is made with few ingredients and you can stuff it as you prefer!

Pizza In Blender

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



Perfect for you who want to save money, search for practicality and a lot of flavor! 
Come and see!


  • 1 cup wheat flour (tea)

  • 1 tablespoon baking powder

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • 1/2 cup (tea) milk

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 egg

  • 300 g mozzarella cheese

  • 1 piece of calabrese sausage

  • 1/4 onion

  • 1 tomato

  • olives to taste

  • tomato sauce to taste

  • oregano to taste


  • Place the egg, milk, butter, salt and wheat flour in a blender and beat. 
    Turn off the blender, clean the sides of flour and beat again.
  • Lastly add the baking soda and beat quickly.
  • Pour the dough into a greased and floured 30cm diameter pizza mold.
  • Take to preheated oven at 200 degrees for approximately 12 minutes.
  • Remove the pizza dough and wait to cool down.
  • Put some tomato sauce and spread it. 
    Spread the grated mozzarella. 
    Place the sliced ​​pepperoni, the slices of tomato, onion, olives and sprinkle with oregano.
  • Take to bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or until cheese melts.
  • Serve immediately.

Recipe Video

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