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China’s reaction to Trump’s protectionist measures, which applied a new 10% rate to China imports on the 10% that had already been applied last month on the high rates that Chinese exports pay to enter the US market shows that Chinese will not passively accept United States protectionist measures against their economy.

In reaction to the announcement of new rates against Chinese exports, China reacted by imposing extra 15% extra tariffs on chicken, wheat, corn and cotton, and 10% on sorghum, soy, pork, beef, seafood, vegetables and dairy products imported from the United States. These measures came into force on March 10.

In addition, the Chinese government has placed 15 US companies on the export control list, which in practice prevents Chinese companies from exporting to these companies for dual (military and civil) products. Among them is Skydio, a drone manufacturer and the Star-Up Artificial Intelligence Shield Ai, which manufactures drone AI systems. In addition, China has included 10 US companies on the list of “non-compiable companies”, which prohibits them to import or export in China and make new investments in the country. It also prohibited the American biotechnology company illuminates from exporting gene sequencing to China. In total, 25 US companies, all in the area of ​​high technology, were affected.

Unlike 2018, when China was surprised by Trump’s trade war, today China is much better prepared to face American protectionism. Post on the social media of the Chinese embassy in the US that China claims to be ready for a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war with the US.

Since Trump began the trade war against China in 2018, during its first term, China has taken numerous measures to reinforce and protect its economy, both reinforcing its domestic market and diversifying its network of business partners worldwide and reorienting its direct investments abroad to countries and regions willing to reinforce their cooperation bonds.

The widespread onslaught of the United States, both against countries they consider enemies of the US and China, and against old allies, such as Mexico, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, India and the European Union, among others, ends up creating an international environment in which China with its huge market of 1.4 billion emerges as a natural alternative to the United States as its destination of its exports. At the same time, for China, these same countries alienated by the United States emerge as an alternative to exports and Chinese direct investment.

Initially impaired by the measures taken in the Trump-Biden-Trump governments to cut China’s access to state-of-the-art semiconductors and equipment to produce them China has, as its tradition is, turning threats into opportunities, giving a huge technological leap in the area. The launch of Artificial Intelligence software DeepSeek, rivaling its much more expensive counterparts in the United States, is an example, but not the only one, of how the Chinese, through a huge effort, can overcome seemingly insurmountable barriers.

Recent article from Wall Street Journal (11/2/20225) highlights China’s recent advances in the high technology area. According to WSJ, “one day in China could easily start this: get out of bed and slide the Wechat messages on your Huawei smartphone. Enter an electric car and drives to the railway station, where a high speed train from a state factory takes you to your destination. China is running to become less dependent on the products and technology in the outside world – part of a year -old X -year -old’s effort to make China more self -sufficient and waterproof to western pressure as the US tensions have increased hundreds of billions of dollars in pool -favored industries, while exhorting business leaders aligning with government priorities. In many ways, the effort is being successful. Instead of depending on foreign companies to robots and medical devices, China is now doing more on its own. Solar panels made in China are replacing part of the need for the imported energy country. The success of China and DeepSeek electric vehicle manufacturers, a beginner in artificial intelligence, has generated fears that China can even eclipse the West in some of the cutting -edge sectors. ” As noted in the chart below, China’s commercial balance in state -of -the -art areas grows every year.

Fonte: Wall Street Journal (11/2/2025).

How he highlighted article from Estadão (16/02/2025), “China has built a network of ports around the world in the last 20 years that has prepared it for a commercial competition with the US, which gains more and more traction in the tariff war began by US President Donald Trump. The infrastructure is spread on five continents and became a pillar of world trade. Also according to the article, “in 2020, China became the largest commercial partner of 120 countries, including Brazil, and last year the commercial surplus reached the record of US $ 990 billion (about $ 5.7 trillion). About 95% of this trade was made by sea routes. In several speeches in the last five years, the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, spoke about foreign trade expansion as necessary for Economic Growth – In his view of both China and other Beijing countries he goes against him and seeks to expand markets. ”


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