Published 7/27/2023 11:41 AM | Edited 7/27/2023 12:57 PM
The sudden replacement of Qin Gang, China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and his replacement by Wang Li has sparked all sorts of rumours. Aiming to attack China and its leadership, voices in the hegemonic media accuse the country of “lack of transparency”, when in fact matters of this type are treated with extreme caution in any country that is jealous of its sovereignty. What actually happens in the halls of the White House, for example, is a far cry from the pasteurized versions served to the public and it often takes decades before the truth is known when it comes to events linked to national security. And Qin Gang’s dismissal seems to fit right into this frame.
A well-placed source in Beijing, heard on condition of anonymity, reported what would be the cause of the downfall of the hitherto powerful leader.
According to this source, Qin Gang, who is married, fell in love with famous Hong Kong TV presenter Fu Xiaotian, as is widely reported. Fu Xiaotian, despite being Chinese, has strong connections with the West. She began her career in London and has already been awarded the “Order of the Star of Italy” by the Italian State. It turns out that the affair between the two was discovered by the US intelligence service, which recruited Xiaotian. In love, Qin Gang shared with his lover restricted details of Chinese foreign policy that were immediately communicated to Washington.
In addition to the obvious damage in terms of State tactics being anticipated for enemies, China, according to the source who gave us the information, considered the case humiliating, mainly because it was the secret services of the Russian Federation that discovered the leak and its origin (Qin Gang), warning Beijing.
It is not known to what extent Qin Gang compromised important secrets, but in any case it would be a setback and wear and tear for China, if this version is true. On the other hand, related episodes, mostly unknown to the public, are not uncommon. The struggle of the respective international intelligences to anticipate the facts is not just made of imperialist victories, on the contrary, and China will undoubtedly know how to draw lessons from what happened.
Source: vermelho.org.br