The Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) released, this Saturday (28), a note from the Political Commission, condemning Israel’s terrorist escalation and calling for “the defenders of Peace to denounce this barbarity that puts the lives of thousands of innocent people at risk“. Read the full text below:

It is necessary to stop Israel’s criminal terrorist escalation

Friends, PCdoB expresses its concern about the escalation of violence in the Middle East, with consequences and severity that are difficult to measure, and which puts peace across the planet at risk.

The more than 1000 deaths caused by the Israel/USA/NATO attacks on Lebanon in recent days are painful and unacceptable.

They murdered Hassan Nasrallah, an important leader of the people of Lebanon!

Brazilian families mourn the loss of their children, Ali Kamal Abdallah, aged 15, and Mirna Raef Nasser, aged 16, still so young, also murdered by the cowardly American/Israeli weapon of war.

We send our most fraternal solidarity to the people of Lebanon and Palestine and to the entire Lebanese community in Brazil.

Last week, during the UN General Assembly in New York, where heads of states and world leaders meet to discuss a better world of peace and social justice, the US-NATO and Israel plotted yet another brutal attack against countries sovereigns. This time against Lebanon, with an invasion of its airspace and bombings in densely populated civilian neighborhoods. They launched more than 80 bombs, weighing 85 tons each, decimating crowds of children, young people and the elderly.

They did not even respect the UN General Assembly, demonstrating total contempt for international laws, including the Charter of the United Nations.

The PCdoB calls on the defenders of Peace to denounce this barbarism that puts the lives of thousands of innocent people at risk and the Peace that we so want to see between human and civilized Nations!

Brazil, September 28, 2024

Political Commission of the Communist Party of Brazil


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