Former president of the Workers’ Party (PT) José Genoino repudiated this Monday (22) the statement released by the Brazilian Israeli Confederation (Conib), accusing him of anti-Semitism for defending that Israeli companies be sanctioned for the genocide in Gaza.
“You can criticize Zionism, but you can’t be anti-Semitic. Every time you criticize the government’s actions in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, they use anti-Semitism as an escape route. We defend rights, sovereignty, demands and the history of the Jewish people,” he said.
In a press release, the former federal deputy denied the accusation and expressed his rejection of any form of prejudice against the Jewish people in light of the association’s accusations, which have targeted Brazilian public figures who take a stand against Israel’s military offensive that has already victimized 25 thousand Palestinians.
Genoino highlighted the need to “denounce the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people” and emphasized his support for the existence of two states, the commitment to the ceasefire, peace between nations and solidarity with the Palestinian people.
The Brazilian politician’s statement comes amid growing tensions regarding the recent open letter signed by Brazilian businesspeople, called Manifesto for the Withdrawal of Brazilian Support for the South African Petition Against Israel, opposing Brazil’s support for Israel’s investigation for possible genocide in Gaza, following a complaint made by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.
The controversy gained momentum with Genoino’s comments during a video broadcast in which he suggested boycotting Jewish-owned businesses in response to the manifesto.
His position faced strong criticism from several sectors, including the president of the Israeli Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIERJ), Alberto David Klein, who characterized Genoino’s words as absurd and anti-Semitic.
With Brasil247 and Sputniknews
Source: www.brasildefato.com.br