Fumio Kishida accepted Lula’s invitation and will fulfill official schedules in Brasília and São Paulo
The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida (right-wing Liberal Democratic Party), will make an official visit to Brazil on Friday and Saturday (3-4 May 2024). The Prime Minister accepted the invitation from President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and will be accompanied by a business delegation, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Kishida first lands in Brasília, where he meets with Lula at the Palácio do Planalto for a bilateral meeting, followed by the signing of joint acts. They should have lunch at Itamaraty.
On May 4, the Japanese prime minister will head to São Paulo, where he will have commitments linked to the city’s Japanese-Brazilian community. He will also participate in the Brazil-Japan Business Forum alongside the vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB).
Brazil has the largest Japanese-descendant population outside of Japan, with around 2 million people. At the same time, Japan is the 5th country with the largest number of Brazilians abroad, with 211 thousand people,
In August this year, the strategic partnership agreement between the countries turns 10 years old. Japan was Brazil’s 2nd trading partner in Asia in terms of transaction volume, with commercial exchange of US$ 11.7 billion. It was second only to China.
In May 2023, Lula visited the country and participated in the G7 summit at the invitation of Kishida. At the time, a visa exemption agreement was reached for visits of up to 90 days, a determination that has been in force since September of that year.
One of Brazil’s interests is also to facilitate a trade agreement between Japan and Mercosur (Southern Common Market).
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/com-comitiva-empresarial-premie-do-japao-chega-ao-brasil-na-6a/