The country left the measure on July 17 after claiming that Russian conditions were not met.
The Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told journalists this Tuesday (July 25, 2023) that “impossible”, at the moment, Russia’s return to the agreement for grain exports through the Black Sea. The country left the measure on July 17. The information is from Tass.
According to Peskov, Russian demands must be met first. One of the demands of the Vladimir Putin government is that Russian exports of food and fertilizers be facilitated. Russia faces problems in shipping its products because of sanctions applied by Western countries in response to the war in Ukraine.
On Monday (July 24), the secretary general of the UN (United Nations), António Guterres, sent a letter to the Russian government asking for the country’s return to the agreement.
“Mr Guterres’ letter again set out some sort of plan of action and contained promises that at some point it would be possible to implement the Russian part of these agreements. […] However, President Putin has made it clear that Russia is ready to immediately resume the agreement as soon as [as demandas russas] are executed”these Peskov.
The grain export agreement was signed on July 22 of last year through the intermediation of Turkey and the UN. It was extended 3 times: in November of last year, in March and in May of this year.
The deal aims to avoid a global food crisis. The agreement allowed the reopening of Ukrainian ports occupied by the Russian army in the south, freeing up the flow of tons of grain from Ukraine.
The blockade put in place at the start of the war caused food prices to rise around the world, increasing global shortages and compromising food security.
Read more about it:
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/europa-em-guerra/russia-diz-ser-impossivel-retornar-ao-acordo-de-graos/