Number of births in 2022 was the lowest since records began to be kept
The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, announced on Thursday (June 1, 2023) a plan to help families worth US$ 25 billion (about R$ 125.34 billion at current exchange rates). The objective is to promote the birth rate in the country, which has dropped to a level “unprecedented”.
The duration of the project is 3 years. He foresees an increase in direct help to parents and financial support for prenatal care and children’s education. The government also wants to promote flexible working hours and greater leave for parents.
In 2022, Japan recorded less than 800,000 births. It is the lowest number since the data began to be recorded. The country also had an increase in the elderly population.
“The period until the 2030s, when the young population will decline sharply, is the last chance to reverse the downward trend in birth rates”, said the prime minister at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on Thursday (June 1).
“It is important to increase the income of young people and the generation that creates [os filhos] while achieving economic growth.”
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/japao-vai-investir-bilhoes-para-aumentar-a-natalidade/