Iranian forces seized this Saturday (13) a cargo ship in the Strait of Hormuz “linked to Israel”, according to information from the IRNA news agency. The operation was carried out from a helicopter and raised warnings about possible retaliation from Iran for the attack committed by Israel on its consulate in Syria, on April 1st.

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According to IRNA, the Portuguese-flagged MCS Aries ship would be managed by Zodiac Maritime, a company linked to Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer. The vessel was taken by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Naval Force into Iranian territorial waters.

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The United States requested the release of the vessel. In a statement, the White House said that “the capture of a civilian vessel without prior provocation is a flagrant violation of international law and an act of piracy by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.” The Israeli Army said the operation will be retaliated. .

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The action occurred after US President Joe Biden stated this Friday (12) that he expected “sooner or later” an attack from Iran against Israel. “Don’t do it,” threatened the Democrat.

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This Saturday, Biden left his residence in Delaware and returned to the White House, in Washington, to address the escalation of tension between Tel Aviv and Tehran.

The interception of the ship increases tension in the Middle East amid the massacre carried out by Israel in Palestine, which completed six months on the 7th. The constant attacks and the refusal to provide medicine, water and supplies have left more than 33,000 dead, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Editing: Lucas Estanislau


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