flake pastry

Simply irresistible, this recipe for pastel de flcão is so easy to prepare that it will surprise you!

Flake Pastry

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking time



Whether for a meal or an aperitif, pastel de flcão is delicious!


  • 1 whole egg

  • 1 cup of flour (tea)

  • 1 cup hot water (tea)

  • 2 cups corn flakes (tea)

  • stuffing to taste

  • salt to taste


  • Add the flakes and salt to taste to a bowl and mix. 
    Add the hot water and mix again very well.
  • Wait for the flake to cool completely, add the egg and mix well. 
    Add the sprinkle and stir until homogenized.
  • Moisten your hands, shape balls with portions of the dough and then open them in the shape of a disc.
  • Stuff the doughs with the stuffing of your choice and close the pastries in the shape of a half moon, pressing the edges well to close completely.
  • Fry the pastries in preheated oil until golden and the flake pastry recipe is ready.

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