Turkey’s death toll has surpassed the deadliest earthquake in the region, which killed 32,000 people in 1939
Os earthquakes that reached the Turkey it’s at Syria on February 6 have already caused the death of at least 41.218 people in the 2 countries. The data were updated at 4:30 pm (Brasília time) this Tuesday (14.Feb.2023).
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the country’s death toll had reached 35,418. The information is from Anadolu AgencyTurkey’s official news agency. The tremors registered in the country at the beginning of the month are already the deadliest in the last 84 years. In 1939, there were 32,000 deaths after earthquakes in the city of Erzican.
In Syria, at least 5,800 people died as a result of earthquakes. The data is from Al Jazeera. Part of the country is controlled by rebels fighting the president’s government Bashar Al-Assad, which makes data collection difficult. The country has been in civil war since 2011.
The numbers registered in both countries have already are more than twice ddeaths caused by the earthquake and tsunami that hit the Japanese city of Fukushima in 2011. Natural disasters also resulted in a nuclear accident at the plant in the region. At the time, more than 18,000 people died.
At least 6,444 buildings collapsed in Turkey, raising questions about whether the large-scale tragedy could have been prevented by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government. the turkish leader admitted faults in the response, but minimized his responsibility. “It is not possible to be prepared for such a huge disaster.”he said on a visit to the affected region.
The sequence of earthquakes hit central Turkey and northwest Syria. The epicenter was in the Turkish region of Gaziantep. At the site, the tremors were also 7.8 on the Richter scale. The 2nd largest earthquake in the country occurred in Kahramanmaras. It reached magnitude 7.5.
The sites are on the so-called Anatolian fault. It is on this fault that 3 tectonic plates meet: Anatolian, African and Arabian. The result of the movement or shock between these rocky plates in the Earth’s crust is the earthquake.
In an interview with Poder360the technician in seismology at the Seismology Center at USP (University of São Paulo) José Roberto Barbosa said that the energy released by earthquakes was equivalent to the impact of 160 to 180 atomic bombs that hit the city of Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II.
Governments and international organizations sent rescue teams and doctors to help Turkey and Syria. O Brazil is among those who provided assistance. International leaders and authorities mourned the losses caused by the natural disaster.
The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declared on February 7 state of emergency for 3 months in 10 provinces. The leader said that the measure aims to speed up the operations of search and rescue of victims. “The severity of the earthquake disaster we are experiencing makes it imperative to implement extraordinary measures”these Erdogan.
See images of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Turkish cities hit by the earthquakes (11 photos):
President of Turkey visits province … (Gallery – 11 Photos)

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

| Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a visit to the city of Kahramanmaras on Feb 8, 2023 | Disclosure/Presidency of the Republic of Turkiye – 8.Feb.2023
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/mortes-por-terremoto-na-siria-e-turquia-ultrapassam-41-000/