The documentary Decree, The DNU of Javier Milei, by Argentine director based in Brazil Carlos Pronzato, premiered this Wednesday (10) and can be watched for free on the author’s YouTube channel. The film portrays one of the Argentine government’s first measures, the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), which modifies or revokes 366 laws that regulate a wide variety of economic activities in the country. To cover the film’s production costs, a virtual crowdfunding was created.
As pointed out in the documentary, through testimonies, the measure announced by the Argentine president will lead to a profound deregulation of the economy, destroying the country’s legal foundations, in the aspects of labor, health, education and culture. Shortly after his “decree” was announced, he faced the first riots on the country’s streets.
:: Argentine court responds to union central’s request and suspends Milei’s labor reform ::
“Between December 22nd and 28th, we made this documentary in Buenos Aires. To cover the basic costs of this inaugural production in 2024 and continue offering materials to fight against the ultra-right’s attacks on the working class, we ask for your support,” he wrote Pronzato.
The director has more than 70 documentaries to his credit. “The filmmaker, writer, poet and working class activist, Carlos Pronzato, uses his knowledge as a tool of denunciation with documentary works in a reflective and fighting cinema. From his more than 90 documentaries, he leads discussions on the most varied themes that interest the working class in all areas about necessary and urgent changes. Their works address political, cultural, historical, educational and social themes”, highlights professor João Carlos Novaes Luz, member of the Union of Official Education Teachers of the State of São Paulo (Apeoesp).
How to contribute to the fundraiser:
Carlos Pronzato
Chave PIX: [email protected]
Bank of Brazil
Agency: 0346-8
CC: 222.567-0
Face, Insta and YouTube channel: Carlos Pronzato
Film and book catalog: www.lamestizaaudiovisual.com.br
Watch the film in full:
Source: BdF Rio Grande do Sul
Editing: Marcelo Ferreira
Source: www.brasildefato.com.br