Published 11/02/2023 09:58 | Edited 02/12/2023 09:15
Brazil already has the endorsement of the other member countries for the command of the Bank of the BRICS by former president Dilma Rousseff, the first Brazilian woman to direct a multilateral bank. Thus, diplomat Marcos Troyjo leaves office later this month. Appointed by Jair Bolsonaro, he would have a mandate until 2025, but has already been transferred to the government of Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), in São Paulo.
By indication of the Lula government, Dilma Rousseff will chair the institution created in 2014, which brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Banco dos Brics was created in 2014, when the PT was president.
Lula wants Dilma to be already president of the institution, when he visits China, in March. The former president will live in Shanghai. She will run the bank until 2025.
The NBD (New Development Bank) aims to finance works for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the countries that make up the collegiate of emerging economies.
Currently, the financial institution has a portfolio of US$ 32.8 billion financed in 96 projects around the world. The goal, according to a report released by the bank, is to invest an additional US$ 30 billion by 2026.
Ahead of the NDB, Dilma’s mission will be to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the Brics and in other emerging economies and developing countries. In total, Brazil has already received more than US$ 5 billion from the NBD since its foundation. China leads this ranking with more than US$ 8 billion.
The bank’s focus is on financing clean energy and energy efficiency projects, transport infrastructure, basic sanitation, environmental protection, social and digital infrastructure. Both private companies and public bodies can have loans approved by Banco dos Brics.
In Brazil, a loan was approved last year for the city of Aracaju to invest US$105 million in basic sanitation, drainage, paving and road recovery works.
The NDB also approved an investment of US$ 300 million for the Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (Sabesp) to carry out works. Another resource destined for Brazil was an amount of US$ 100.15 million for Companhia Energética de Brasília (CEB) to invest in LED bulbs for public lighting in the federal capital and build a photovoltaic solar plant.
Recently, the institution admitted Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Uruguay as new members.
The NDB is one of the eight major development banks in the world, alongside bodies such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), European Investment Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, among others.
According to Valor Econômico newspaper, the NBD is the multilateral bank in which Brazil has the largest number of shares (20%). At the IDB, for example, its share is 11.35%, and at the World Bank, 2.21%. Owner of one-fifth of the stake in the bank, the country is an equal partner alongside some of the world’s largest economies such as China and India.
epic trajectory
Victorious in two presidential disputes, Dilma was impeached in 2016 and, since then, has not returned to hold public office. She suffered numerous inconsistent inquiries, of which she was cleared. In 2018, she ran for the Senate in Minas Gerais and obtained 2.5 million votes (15.17%), ranking fourth.
In her political career, the fact of having been a political prisoner in the fight against the military dictatorship, in 1970, stands out, when she was tortured for 22 days and served three years in prison. She graduated in economics in 1977 from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
Since then, he has had several participations in PDT-RS mandates, even commanding the Treasury Department of the Alceu Collares City Hall in Porto Alegre, from 1985 onwards.
In 1990, Alceu Collares was elected governor, appointing Dilma to chair the Foundation for Economics and Statistics (FEE). She remained there until the end of 1993, when she was named Secretary of Energy, Mines and Communications. In 1998, PT Olívio Dutra won the elections for the government of Rio Grande do Sul with the support of the PDT in the second round, and Dilma returned to the Secretariat of Mines and Energy.
During his tenure at the Dutra government’s Secretary of Mines and Energy, the electricity sector’s service capacity rose 46%,[26] with an emergency works program that brought together state and private companies. In January 1999, Dilma traveled to Brasília and alerted the authorities of the electricity sector that, without investments in energy generation and transmission, the cuts that Rio Grande do Sul faced at the beginning of her administration would occur in the rest of the country.[29] In the electric blackout crisis at the end of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government, the three states of the Southern Region were not affected, and no rationing was imposed, as there was no drought in the region.
Lula, elected in 2002, chose Dilma to take over the Ministry of Mines and Energy. She was also named president of Petrobras’ Board of Directors, a position she held until March 2010.
Dilma defended a new industrial policy for the government, making the purchases of platforms by Petrobras have a minimum national content. He argued that it was not possible for a work worth one billion reais not to be done in Brazil. The bids for the P-51 and P-52 platforms were, thus, the first in the country to demand a minimum national content.
His tenure at the ministry was marked by respect for the contracts of the previous administration, as well as efforts to avoid another blackout, the implementation of an electrical model less concentrated in the hands of the State and the creation of the Luz Para Todos program. She was convinced that urgent investments in electricity generation should be made so that the country would not suffer a blackout in 2009.
In 2005, President Lula nominated Dilma to lead the Ministry of the Civil House, becoming the first woman to assume the position in the country’s history. Dilma was considered by the Lula government to be the manager of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC).
In April 2009, Dilma revealed that she was undergoing treatment for lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system), which she was cured of in September.
During Lula’s election campaign, Dilma participated prominently in several acts, always hailed by the public as a “warrior of the Brazilian people”.
Since Lula’s victory, Dilma has participated in ceremonies in Brasília and even spoke at the inauguration of the chief minister of the Attorney General’s Office (AGU), Jorge Messias.
Source: vermelho.org.br