Video shows Frank Tyson handcuffed and saying he couldn’t breathe as an officer pressed him to the ground
A black man died on April 18 in Canton, Ohio (United States), while in police custody. In a video released on Thursday (April 25, 2024), it is possible to hear Frank Tyson, 53, say that he could not breathe while an agent pressed his knee on his neck.
Tyson was in a bar when he was approached by police officers. According to the news agency Reutershe was suspected of leaving the scene of a car accident on April 18, the same day the case was recorded.
The case became public on Thursday (25 April) when images from the body camera of one of the police officers involved in the action were released. In the video, you can hear the black man say “I can not breath” as soon as he is immobilized and handcuffed. Another officer is seen pressing his knee against his spine.
“I can not breathe. I can’t… get off my neck.”he says, while a police officer shouts “calm down” e “are you well” before getting up.
Watch (11min3s):
NOTICE: The images are strong.
The recording also shows Frank Tyson lying motionless, face down on the floor, while police officers talk to bar patrons. Officers then check again on the black man, who appears unresponsive. They can be heard saying: “Is he breathing?” e “Does he have a pulse?”
About 8 minutes after the officers handcuffed Tyson, they remove the handcuff and begin the cardiac massage procedure. Paramedics arrive at the scene and take the man on a stretcher to an ambulance waiting outside the bar.
Tyson died at a local hospital, according to the Reuters. The official cause of death has not yet been released.
In a statement, the mayor of Canton, William Sherer, stated that the Department of Criminal Investigation is investigating the episode and offered condolences to Frank Tyson’s family. According to him, “incidents like these are always difficult and challenging”.
“As we navigate this challenging time, my goal is to be as transparent as possible with this community. This investigation is in the hands of the BCI [Departamento de Investigação Criminal, em português]and we will continue to provide them with all the information they need to do their jobs. Given that this is a pending investigation, we are limited in the additional information we can provide.”it says.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/homem-negro-morre-durante-abordagem-policial-nos-eua/