In addition to the billionaire not having expanded his stake in the company, mRNA vaccines are not capable of altering human DNA
investigated content: Posts claim that the American businessman Bill Gates bought a large part of the shares of Heineken and Coca-Cola, that the formula of the soda was changed and that the intention is to insert vaccines with mRNA in this drink.
where it was published: Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Conclusion of Comprova: It is false that the American businessman Bill Gates bought shares of Coca-Cola to insert mRNA vaccines in the drink that bears the company’s name in order to control people’s DNA.
It was reported that he acquired shares in Heineken on the same day that the company Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB – known as Coca-Cola Femsa and traded on the Stock Exchange under the symbol KOF – sold a stake in the company.
Femsa is responsible for bottling the soft drink and Gates also holds a stake in it, but it is not new: the shares were purchased in 2007.
In addition, to Comprova, both Femsa and Coca-Cola guarantee that there have been no changes in the formula of the drink. The Mexican company is just one of the soda bottlers. In Brazil alone, the Coca-Cola system has another 6 bottling partners that, together, add up to 37 factories.
To reinforce the false theory that Bill Gates would be wanting to interfere with the DNA of those who consume the drink, the author writes that “They don’t even hide it anymore: Femsa advertising [empresa distribuidora] is precisely the following: One single DNA!”.
About this, Femsa added that it uses the term “DNA KOF” in the company’s internal communication as a way of translating the values and behaviors that involve employees.
“With the purpose of empowering our teams to lead growth and transformation in an ever-changing industry environment, we define KOF DNA as a series of core beliefs and behaviors that govern our daily actions”the company said on its website.
An explanation of the matter was also published on the company’s Facebook page in 2021.
References to the acronym DNA are made in the context of Femsa’s internal communication (Femsa Brasil – 17.Apr.2023
Finally, it is amply proven, as Comprova has shown a few times, that mRNA vaccines are not capable of altering human DNA.
False, for Comprova, is content that was invented or that has been edited to change its original meaning and deliberately released to spread misinformation.
publication reach: Comprova investigates suspicious content with greater reach on social networks. On Twitter, the post had 2,000 likes by April 14 and was later deleted. On Instagram, the contents had more than 4,000 likes by April 18. By the same date, the post had recorded 59,000 interactions on TikTok, including likes, shares and comments.
How do we check: Using Google, we searched for news published by the professional press about the possible purchase of shares in Heineken and Coca-Cola by businessman Bill Gates. We then contacted the press offices of Coca-Cola, Femsa and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The AFM (acronym for Dutch Authority for Financial Markets), regulator of the Dutch financial market, was also approached. Finally, we revisited Comprova’s checks on mRNA technology, used in vaccines against covid-19, and looked for the authors of the posts.
Bill Gates bought shares of Heineken
There is no news that Bill Gates has purchased shares in the Coca-Cola Company, the company that owns the Coca-Cola soft drink. In fact, it was recently reported that the entrepreneur acquired, on February 17, 2023, a minority stake in Heineken Holding NV, the controlling shareholder of the 2nd largest brewery in the world, for around US$ 902 million.
According to Bloombergthe Microsoft founder bought 3.8% of Heineken Holding, according to a document from the Dutch Authority for Financial Markets, adding 6.65 million shares, in his individual capacity, and another 4.18 million shares through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The AFM was contacted by Comprova to confirm the information, but did not return.
The soda’s name appears in this story because Gates acquired the stake on the same day that Femsa, the bottler and distributor of Coca-Cola, launched a sale of €3.7 billion in shares linked to part of its stakes in Heineken. Shortly before, Femsa had announced plans to dispose of its stake in the brewery for strategic reasons.
According to the investment website Your money, in 2007, 16 years ago, the businessman bought a stake valued at US$ 392 million (R$ 2 billion at the current exchange rate) in Femsa. 7 years ago, the Mexican had sold her brewery to Heineken.
Comprova also asked Femsa, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Coca-Cola for information on possible sales and purchases of shares and whether Gates holds shares in the company that manufactures the soda. Coca-Cola responded by saying it is a publicly traded company in the United States and does not comment on shareholder movements.
Femsa did not respond and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sent a note to Comprova without referring to the purchase of shares and stating that the allegations that Bill Gates is inserting mRNA in drinks and that he is part of a “New World Order” are false .
There is no record of a change in the formula of Coca-Cola
Those responsible for the posts do not present any evidence that Coca-Cola has changed the composition of the traditional drink that bears its name.
To Comprova, the company guaranteed that there was no recent change in the product’s formula. A note on the subject was published on the company’s website, stating that all ingredients used in the products are safe, approved by regulatory bodies and are listed on the packaging label.
The last record of changing the formula of the traditional drink occurred on April 23, 1985, over 35 years ago. At the time, the change was not well accepted by consumers and the original formula was resumed a few months later, on July 11, 1985.
The Coca-Cola Femsa press office declared that the allegations made on social networks are untrue and stated that it uses the term “DNA KOF” in its internal communication as a way of translating the values and behaviors that involve its employees.
The expression was used in disinformation pieces as supposed proof that the intention is to alter people’s genetic information through drinking.
Vaccines don’t change people’s DNA
It makes no sense to say that inserting vaccines with mRNA into soft drinks makes it possible to control the DNA, because not even the immunizers applied to people to fight the disease are capable of doing so.
The false claim that mRNA can alter DNA became widespread after the approval of two vaccines against covid-19, by Pfizer and Moderna, which use the technology.
The claim has been denied multiple times over the course of the coronavirus pandemic. Comprova has already explained that mRNA vaccines are developed not to interfere with human DNA and that there is no evidence that they are capable of causing genetic damage.
mRNA is a molecule that exists in the human body and that carries information to the nucleus of cells for the production of proteins. Laboratories responsible for immunizers have produced synthetic mRNAs, which contain part of the genetic information of the new coronavirus. In our body, this RNA will make us produce a protein that alerts the immune system to create antibodies.
Regarding allegations of this nature, Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) has already taken a position by informing that vaccines that use the genetic code of the Sars-CoV-2 virus in their technology are not gene therapy products because they do not use copies of human genes to disease treatments.
What the person responsible for the publication says: On Twitter, the content was posted by the profile @VitimasVacinas, which does not have any identification of who is responsible and does not allow the sending of messages. The tweet was later deleted.
The video on Instagram was recorded by Cristiane Luz. To Comprova, she said she was based on independent journalism sites and Twitter pages, in addition to her own spiritual knowledge on the subject, ending contact afterwards.
Why do we investigate?: Comprova monitors suspicious content published on social networks and messaging apps about public policies and elections at the federal level and opens investigations for those publications that have achieved greater reach and engagement. You can also suggest checks via WhatsApp +55 11 97045-4984.
Other checks on the topic: Similar content was verified by fact or fake, uol check and by Boatos.Org. In addition, Comprova has previously demonstrated a false publication suggesting that Bill Gates would install nanoparticles in vaccine doses and that immunizers do not inject “alien DNA” into humans.
The Comprova Project brings together journalists from different Brazilian media outlets to discover and investigate misleading, invented and deliberately false information about public policies shared on social media or via messaging apps.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/saude/bill-gates-nao-comprou-acoes-da-coca-para-por-vacinas-na-bebida/