The company’s lawyers in Brazil state that they will only provide the STF minister with information originating from the platform’s headquarters

Lawyers for (Superior Electoral Court), to take down profiles and content on the social network. Read the full document received by Moraes (PDF – 185 kB).

The request was made by Republican Jim Jordan, chairman of the Judicial Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives. According to X in Brazil, the responses were sent by the North American company’s headquarters on April 12.

The petition from the representatives of

In the letter to the X headquarters in the USA, Jim Jordan requests all of Moraes’ related decisions:

  • moderation, exclusion, suppression, restriction or reduction of the circulation of content;
  • the removal or blocking of accounts; It is
  • the development, execution or application of content moderation policies.

X’s lawyers in Brazil say they will only provide information to Moraes sent from the platform’s headquarters in the United States. “X BRASIL undertakes to transmit to Your Excellency any information on the subject that it may receive from X Corp., in compliance with its duty of transparency and procedural loyalty”says the petition.

In the document sent to Moraes, X do Brasil’s lawyers state that the orders issued continue to be maintained and that the social network will continue to comply with the decisions of the STF and TSE.

Despite this, “Terça Livre”, an account managed by Bolsonaro blogger Allan dos Santos on X, received a gold seal. The profile blocking had been determined by Moraes in September 2021.


Alexandre de Moraes determined on Sunday (April 7) the inclusion of the owner of X as being investigated in the digital militias inquiry, filed in July 2021 and which investigates groups for conduct against democracy.

In the same decision, it determined that the platform is prohibited from disobeying any court order issued. It includes reactivating profiles already blocked by determination of the STF or the TSE (Superior Electoral Court). In case of non-compliance, the daily fine is R$100,000 for each profile.

The minister also opened a new investigation to investigate Elon Musk’s conduct. The magistrate wants the crime of obstruction of justice to be investigated, “including criminal organization and incitement to crime”.


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