Deputy and pre-candidate for Mayor of SP states that municipal elections are essential “to prevent a disastrous near future”

Federal deputy Guilherme Boulos (Psol-SP) said this Monday (June 10, 2024) that the advancement of “extreme right” in Europe is not exclusive and that is why Brazil needs “open the eyes”. The right emerged victorious in the European Parliament elections on Sunday (June 9).

With the new composition, right-wing and center-right deputies will be the majority and will have more than half of the 720 seats in the European Parliament.

“We need to open our eyes! The advance of the extreme right in the European Parliament is not an exclusive problem there and should raise an alarm here too”, said Boulos on his profile on X (formerly Twitter). According to the deputy, in Brazil, Bolsonarism is part of the “movement of contamination of politics by neofascism”.

The pre-candidate for Mayor of São Paulo stated that making a “coping” on the right in municipal elections is “fundamental to stop a disastrous near future for Brazil”. And he declared: “We cannot fool ourselves, the danger has not passed with the defeat of [Jair] Bolsonaro em 2022″.


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