The Egyptian government informed Israeli authorities that it will freeze its participation in mediating negotiations for the exchange of hostages between Tel Aviv and Palestinian groups.

According to the Israeli broadcaster Eatthe decision announced this Wednesday (3) is a response to the assassination of the deputy head of the Hamas political office, Saleh al-Arouri, who was killed by an Israeli airstrike the day before, in the Mashrafiyah neighborhood, in the region south of Beirut, capital of Lebanon.

Furthermore, according to the vehicle, which cited information provided by sources in Qatar, one of the nations responsible for mediating the agreement between Israel and Hamas, the Jewish State’s stance would have generated “dissatisfaction” on the part of the Egyptian authorities, since the Israeli delegation had interrupted a recent visit to Cairo intended to discuss hostage exchange negotiations.

The Egyptian newspaper Ahram also reported on Wednesday that President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi stressed that the only way to achieve “lasting stability” in the Palestinian territory is an agreement based on “justice”, in a way that achieves “true security for all the people of the region and neutralize crises and wars in the Middle East”.

The statement was made at the reception of a delegation of the Democratic and Republican parties to the United States Congress, led by Senator Joni Ernst, in the presence of Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry.

The Egyptian president emphasized the importance of work that is capable of avoiding factors that worsen the conflict in the region, as these undermine peace, as well as regional and international security.

To the North American newspaper New York Timesa senior United States official had declared, on Tuesday night (2), shortly after the news of al-Arouri’s assassination, that “attacking Hamas leaders could hinder negotiations on the cessation of fighting in Gaza and release of hostages” in Palestinian territory.

Saleh al-Arouri, who was the victim of an Israeli attack, was a member of Hamas’ political committee and considered “number two” within the Palestinian resistance organization. An air strike operated by Israel, in the neighborhood in the southern suburbs of Beirut, resulted in the death of the fighter and three other people who were inside a car there, generating a wave of indignation by sister nations, such as Iran.


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