US intelligence service documents on operations have been released on social media in recent weeks.
The US Department of Justice decided, on Saturday (April 8, 2023), to open an investigation into leaks of documents from the US intelligence service on the war in Ukraine. In recent weeks, the documents have been published on social media. The information was released by CNN.
In addition to the Justice Department, the Pentagon had also announced on Thursday (April 6) that it was investigating the case. On Friday (April 7), new documents were released, such as support for Ukraine and information about US allies.
AT CNN, a Pentagon official said the documents appeared to be legitimate. The documents also provided information about the Wagner Group’s operations in Africa; the road from Israel to Ukraine; the UAE’s ties with Russia; and South Korea’s resistance to sending ammunition to the United States for use in Ukraine.
The texts revealed were photos of printed documents classified as highly classified, which appeared to have been produced from February to March and with marks that indicated that they could have been shared with allied countries, such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
On Friday (April 7), US authorities confirmed that similar documents were part of a briefing (set of information) produced by the Pentagon about the war. In addition to analyses, the documents may also contain information about secret intelligence reports.
to the news agency Reuters, officials said Russia or pro-Kremlin activists may be behind the leaks. There is also the likelihood that estimates in the documents have been modified, such as the one that said the forces suffered 16,000 to 17,500 casualties since the invasion of Ukraine.
Read more about the war in Ukraine:
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/europa-em-guerra/eua-investigam-vazamento-de-documentos-sobre-guerra-na-ucrania/