The British broadcaster and US radio received the seal this Sunday (April 9); Verification policy changed in July 2022

Twitter started using, this Sunday (April 9, 2023), the new seal to identify state-owned media outlets in the broadcaster’s profiles BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)UK, and US radio VOA (Voice of America). The stamp names the vehicles as “government-funded media“.

Second the platform,State-affiliated media is defined as vehicles where the State exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressure, and/or control over production and distribution.“.

In a note released by CNNthe British broadcaster said it is “talking to Twitter to resolve this issue ASAP.”

“The BBC is, and always has been, independent. We are funded by the British public through the license fee,” these.

On Thursday (6.Apr), North American radio NPR (National Public Radio) decided to stop using Twitter after receiving the label.

the president of NPR, John Lansing, repudiated the classification as state media. “It is unacceptable that Twitter labels us this way”, wrote in use shared on social network.

Since buying the social network in July 2022, Musk has changed verification seal policies. Users must now pay for verification types:

  • gray – governments and politicians;
  • azul – users of Twitter Blue;
  • golden – companies or business profiles.


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