Former US president says he could resolve conflict before taking office, but doesn’t elaborate

Former President of the United States Donald Trump (Republican) declared this Thursday (June 27, 2024) that, if he had been in power, Russia would not have invaded Ukraine in 2022. According to the Republican, the conflict took place because Russian leader Vladimir Putin does not respect the current North American head of state, Joe Biden (Democrat).

Trump stated that he could resolve the conflict even before taking office, which will be on January 20, if he is elected. He did not detail how he would do it. He made the statements during the 1st presidential debate of the elections to be held in November this year, organized by CNN.

Biden, on the other hand, once again defended support for Kiev. He stated that “the United States is strong” because of his allies.

The Democrat has been constantly criticized for hesitations and controversies in dealing with international crises. As US debt soars, the Democrat continues to defend sending resources to Ukraine.

The financial support provided by the US since the beginning of the war has already amounted to more than 20 billion euros. That is why Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is one of the most interested in the outcome of the elections.

While Biden once again declared unconditional support for the Ukrainians, Trump said that, if he wins, the supply of American equipment will be conditioned on a peace agreement with Russia.


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