For the president of the STF, the sector depends on the Amazon forest; he made the statement during an event in Rio

The president of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), minister Roberto Barroso, said this Monday (May 13, 2023) that there is no tension between environmental protection and agribusiness, since, according to him, the activity linked to agriculture depends on the preservation of Amazon.

“It is a mistake to think that there is a tension between environmental protection and agribusiness. Does not exist. Agribusiness depends on the Amazon forest”said the minister in an interview with journalists at a J20 event (group of Supreme Courts from G20 countries).

The minister also said that, today, Brazil is not capable of being an industrial leader, nor is it capable of being a great technological power. However, the country “can and should be the great global leader on climate change and environmental protection”.

Barroso also stated that although the Judiciary works to expand environmental preservation, such as rescuing in 2024 the Amazon Fund and Climate Fund processes that were paralyzed in 2023, the case is a matter of “public policy”the responsibility of Congress and the Executive Branch.

The STF has also been monitoring and demanding new contingency plans, in addition to supplementing existing plans, according to the President of the Court.

According to the minister, 3 factors justify intervention by the Judiciary in the matter around the world, including by international Courts, such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights.

  • perception of environmental preservation as a fundamental right;
  • lack of incentives and public policies; and the
  • need to protect minorities or people who have not yet been born.

For Barroso, one of the roles of the Judiciary today is not only to look after children, but for future generations. Greenhouse gas emissions will only effectively produce negative results in 20 or 30 years, according to the minister. Therefore, it becomes the role of the Judiciary “acting in favor of those who currently have no voice or vote”.

The judge also stated that environmental tragedies, such as fires in Canada, floods in Rio Grande do Sul and drought in the Amazon, are issues of fundamental rights, as people are losing their lives because of climate change, amplified by the lack of public policies.


Organized by the STF, the meeting of representatives of the Supreme Courts of the G20 countries (group of the 20 largest economies in the world), called J20, began this Monday morning (May 13) at the TJ-RJ (Court of Justice of Rio of January).

President of the STF and the CNJ (National Council of Justice), Barroso opened the 1st session of the event.

The G20 brings together the 19 largest economies in the world, in addition to the European Union and the African Union. In Brazil, the objective is to advance multilateral and bilateral cooperation projects on topics such as: citizenship, social inclusion, climate litigation, sustainable development, digital transformation and the use of technology for the efficiency of Justice.


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