Poder360 anticipates what will be highlighted this week from September 4th to 8th, 2023
O Poder360 brings this Monday (September 4, 2023) a selection of issues that should mark the agenda of power and politics this week.
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This week will be shorter because of the September 7th holiday on Thursday (September 7, 2023). On Wednesday (6th September), the day before the celebration, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will make a statement on television. He must call on the population to celebrate the date without political and ideological divisions.
Also on Thursday, Lula takes part in the traditional Independence parade. The event will be held from 9am to 11am, at Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasília (DF). The president will arrive in an open car.
Because of the extremist acts on January 8, Lula’s team and his allies fear that the president could be harassed by part of the parade’s audience. Security on the Esplanade will be reinforced on the day.
After the parade, on September 7th, the president will travel to New Delhi, India. Lula will participate in the G20 meeting and will only return to Brazil on Monday (September 11). With the trip, he will have been 49 dias outside the country this year.
United States President Joe Biden will also attend the G20 meeting. China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin will not go. The expectation is that the final declaration of the meeting will be in defense of peace.
The G20 event is important because Brazil will hold the presidency of the group from December 1st of this year until November 30th, 2024. Next year’s meeting of heads of State and Government will be held in Rio de Janeiro.
With few congressmen in Brasília and Lula’s trip to India, the chances of the president finally announcing new ministers are slim. The PT member should only stay in the country for a short time. He will travel to Cuba and the United States next.
The postponement of the announcement of the ministerial reform could increase the dissatisfaction of parties that hope to have positions in the government, such as the PP (Progressives) and Republicans. Their pressure tends to get greater and greater.
In the Chamber of Deputies, the project for the debt renegotiation program for individuals, Desenrola, must be voted on on Tuesday (September 5) or Wednesday (September 6).
The deputies will also hold a session of the CPI of the MST (Landless Rural Workers Movement) on Monday (September 4). The work of the collegiate ends the following week. The president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), warned that he will not extend the deadline for completing the commission. The CPI on January 8th does not have a meeting scheduled for this week.
In the Senate, the CAE (Economic Affairs Committee) is expected to vote on Tuesday (September 5) on the project that exempts electric and hybrid cars from II (Import Tax). If approved by the committee, it will go to the Chamber without going through the Upper House plenary. The proposal was authored by Senator Irajá (PSD-TO).
Also on Tuesday (September 5), the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) will release industrial production for July. The median of expectations is -0.25%. If so, there will be frustration after the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth of 0.9% in the 2nd quarter announced by the economic team of the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, last Friday (1st.September).
On the international scene, former United States President Donald Trump will be indicted on Wednesday (September 6), in Georgia. The Republican leader faces accusations of trying to rig the result of the 2020 presidential election in the US state. Trump said he won’t go. He lost the election to the current president of the country, Democrat Joe Biden.
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/videos/agenda-da-semana-desfile-do-7-de-setembro-e-lula-no-g20/