The official police photo finally taken of Trump, with an aggressive look, which immortalizes a unique moment in US history

Donald Trump handed himself in at the police station with his eighteen co-defendants for electoral fraud and other crimes this Thursday (24) night. The others are complaining a lot about the money they don’t have to defend themselves, but the ex-president is already reaping the profits from the first photo taken in any of the criminal cases he faces and the first known to have been taken of any ex-president. president – ​​and who is already on t-shirts sold across the country. Of course, the photo illustrates their social media profiles.

The fundraising website his campaign helps support immediately began offering mugs, drink coolers and t-shirts in different colors and sizes with his photo and the words “Never Surrender!” (These words despite the fact that the photo was taken when he surrendered to Georgian authorities.) Other ordinary and probably struggling people also try to sell merchandise with the photos. The photo that should be a symbol of equality before the law or the abuse of it – the ultimate reminder of a presidency that breaks the rules of the game.

In the photo, he appears dressed in the colors of the American flag: navy blue suit, white shirt, bright red tie – although his typical flag lapel pin is missing or invisible in the photo. The pose is of someone nervous about to headbutt the camera. An unnecessary public disclosure, after all, Trump would not be able to escape anywhere in the world. No other sheriff wanted to give Trump this gift during the previous proceedings.

Read also: Trump will pay $200,000 to avoid being arrested for electoral fraud

The last time he managed to raise millions from a lawsuit was weeks ago, following his March indictment in New York on charges related to hush money payments to a porn star. The numbers fell sharply after Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith brought charges against him in June for mishandling national security documents.

Planned marketing

Former President Donald J. Trump did his best to appear unfazed and unfazed by the formal proceedings, but even he acknowledged that he didn’t like one specific element at the Georgia police station: the 3×4 photo with Sheriff Patric Labat’s stamp. However, it shouldn’t have taken many meetings to convince him to put on his shirt and play the role of victim. Better that than being cornered, silent trying to explain the inexplicable, as Jair Bolsonaro does.

Trump ended up understanding that there are two thousand years of marketing experience on how myths are constructed. The photo of Lula’s arrest during the military dictatorship is one of the best-selling refrigerator magnets at stalls at political events, as are those of the arrests of pastor Martin Luther King Jr or Jane Fonda with their hands raised against the Vietnam war. The tanned former president with flowing hair trained his expression a lot for the photo that ended up lasting forever. It’s the same combative pose he used in a fake alternative taken to mock the accusations months ago and sell souvenirs.

Read also: Even in prison, Trump can be elected, govern and have amnesty

Contrary to what he himself boasted, Trump was not arrested, but is free after paying million-dollar bail. Once again, Trump shows Bolsonaro how it’s done, using every second of his TV appearance to return to the White House next year. There will be no shortage of legal proceedings to occupy media space. American liberal democracy is sinking into the quicksand of its own constitutional traps. They say that Trump can govern the USA, even under house arrest in the White House, and even amnesty his own crimes.

Favoritism of the far-right martyr

The most recent accusation involves paying for the purchase of a porn actress’ silence in the 2016 campaign, but in recent days there have also been investigations into the confidential presidential documents found in her home in Florida and the attempt to reverse the election result in Georgia in the 2020 campaign, where Biden narrowly won. None of this was able to play him at chess.

Trump is a pre-candidate for election to the White House next year and, so far, the favorite to win the Republican Party’s nomination, with 46% of voting intentions among supporters, against 32% for his main opponent, the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, according to last week’s Quinnipiac poll. Radicals are already raising Republican flags with Trump’s name in the busiest spots in American cities. The problem is even bigger, considering that Trump is the only candidate capable of drawing with Joe Biden, according to recent surveys.

Read also: Trump receives support among Republicans and could revive duel with Biden in 2024

Every Trump dive into a courtroom is millions of flashes going off. He can’t wait to get handcuffs for the ultimate show. His victimhood even makes the attacks of Ron DeSantis, his main opponent in the Party, cruel and insensitive. Evidently, the governor of Florida takes advantage of every judicial attack on Trump to project himself.

Democrats and Ron DeSantis

While the Democratic Party has nothing to show in the media, other than Joe Biden’s monotonous government, low spirits are running rampant among conservatives. DeSantis says he has real problems to manage in Florida and makes numerous indirect digs at Trump. The former president, in turn, calls his opponent a hypocrite by suggesting that he has a lot of “false accusations and lying reports” to face when he gets older. It even sounds like a threat from someone who knows that DeSantis was at teenage parties when he was a teacher.

It remains to be seen whether Trumpist victimhood will be able to promote a new January 6th, with neo-Nazis, racists, sexists and other animals from the Paleozoic era occupying the streets of the American Midwest. The call has already been made and has not yet taken effect. There was little fuss about this week’s events. It seems like the average American has real problems to manage in this second-to-last week of August.

Read also: Trump becomes a defendant and tries to politicize the crimes he committed with a view to 2024

Concern about Trump’s public exposure and martyrdom has already reached the Democratic Party. Senator Joe Manchin expressed his concern about the way justice and police have been used. “There are many reasons why Donald Trump should not be US president again. But the judicial system must not be allowed to be seen primarily as a political pawn.”


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