Red Fruit Cocktail

Looking for an easy alcoholic drink with a special flavor? Try this red fruit cocktail!

Red Fruit Cocktail

Recipe by Caion Alves


Prep time


Cooking timeminutes

This red fruit cocktail has a refreshing flavor and is very quick to prepare!


  • 1 dash of cream of cassis

  • 2 shots of vodka

  • 2 spoons (coffee) of sugar

  • Red fruits to taste

  • Carbonated mineral water

  • Ice cubes to taste


  • In a tall glass put some red fruits and sugar, crush well and mix.
  • Add the vodka and mix some more. 
    Add some whole fruit and mix some more.
  • Mix again and add ice cubes to taste. 
    Add the cream of cassis and mix well.
  • Add some more ice cubes, complete with sparkling water and the red fruit cocktail is ready.

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