Dennis Francis (center), president of the 78th session of the General Assembly. Photo: UN News.

The President of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis, will be in Cuba this Thursday (27), on his first official visit to the country after taking office. With meetings scheduled with President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Deputy Minister of Public Health Tania Margarita Cruz, the diplomat will be received by Ambassador Ana Silvia Rodríguez Abascal, Director General of Multilateral Affairs and International Law, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, and by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla.

As his office points out, he will also have meetings with representatives of civil society, including the Federation of Cuban Women, in addition to meeting with the presidential coordinator of the United Nations in Cuba, Francisco Pichón.

read more: In a long interview, President Díaz-Canel analyzes Cuba’s main dilemmas

The visit with several meetings continues until the 29th, focusing on multilateralism and international cooperation with Cuba. Francis is expected to hold a Master Class at the University of Havana.

As reported by the official Cuban press, “Granma“, “Ambassador Dennis Francis has a career spanning approximately 40 years in the diplomatic service of Trinidad and Tobago, during 18 of which he held the rank of ambassador, until his mandatory retirement from career service in 2016.”

Cuba, along with Brazil, occupies one of the 15 seats for member countries on the UN Human Rights Council, with a mandate until 2026. The Caribbean country has had a resolution approved 31 times in a row at the United Nations General Assembly against the blockade that the United States is promoting as an obstacle to the country.


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