“The New York Times” newspaper had access to a document that reveals that snippets of the code were posted online

Parts of Twitter’s source code have leaked and Elon Musk’s company is seeking information about the person responsible for posting these snippets online. The information is contained in a legal document obtained by the American newspaper The New York Times.

According to the action,several snippets” of the Twitter source code were posted on GitHub, a platform used for sharing code for the development of softwares. The source code is the programmatic base that guarantees the functioning of the social network.

GitHub said it removed the posts with the code on Friday (24.Mar.2023) at the request of Twitter. It is not known how long the information was available on the platform, but the The New York Times speak in several months. According to the newspaper, the platform opened an internal investigation revealed that the person responsible for the leak is a former employee who left the company in 2022.

The user who made the publication on GitHub uses the name “FreeSpeechEnthusiast”. The document to which The New York Times had access is a request by Twitter to a U.S. District Court for the platform to file “all identifying information” associated with that username.

On March 17, Musk said that Twitter will make available from March 31 the algorithm source code used by the social network to suggest publications to users. The goal, according to the billionaire, is to offer greater “transparency” and consequently conquer the “trust” of users.

Providing code transparency will be incredibly embarrassing at first, but should lead to a rapid improvement in recommendation quality. More importantly, we hope to earn your trust.”, said Musk.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/tecnologia/partes-do-codigo-fonte-do-twitter-vazaram-indica-processo/

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