“All for all”, says the pontiff in an appeal during Easter mass this Sunday (March 31, 2024)
Pope Francis, 87 years old, called this Sunday (March 31, 2024) for an exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine. He made the statement during the Easter mass held in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican.
In his speech, the pontiff called for peace for populations held hostage by wars, both the conflict in Eastern Europe and the war between Israel and Hamas, and a ceasefire.
“I invite the principles of international law to be respected, I hope that there will be a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for all”these.
The pope also called for containment of the war between Russia and Ukraine so that the conflict does not spread throughout Europe.
“Let us not let the winds of war blow ever stronger over Europe and the [mar] Mediterranean and let us not give in to the logic of weapons and rearmament”these.
Pope Francis celebrated Mass this Sunday (31 March) even with his health weakened. On Saturday (30th March) he participated in the Easter Vigil, but canceled his trip to the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday (29th March) to “to preserve” your status.
Read too:
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/papa-francisco-pede-troca-de-prisioneiros-entre-a-russia-e-a-ucrania/