In a statement in an interview with a Catholic magazine, Pope Francis reignited the debate about blessings for same-sex couples, criticizing those who oppose this measure. The Supreme Pontiff highlighted the hypocrisy present in criticism of his decision to allow priests to carry out this practice, contrasting it with the acceptance of other practices considered sinful by the Church.

He highlighted that “the most serious sins are those that disguise themselves with a more ‘angelic’ appearance. Francisco highlighted that no one seems shocked when he blesses a businessman who exploits people, classifying such action as a very serious sin. However, he noted that criticism arises when the blessing is directed at homosexual couples, characterizing this attitude as hypocrisy.

To Italian magazine Believe published excerpts of the interview with the Supreme Pontiff, one day before its full publication. “No one is shocked if I give my blessing to a businessman who exploits people, which is a very serious sin. “But they are shocked if I give it to a homosexual,” Francisco declared: “That is hypocrisy.”

Francis refers to the document Fiducia Supplicans, published by the Vatican in December, which endorses the blessing of people called “irregular” from a canonical point of view, such as homosexuals or divorced people.

The Pope emphasized his commitment to welcoming all people, including the LGBTQ+ community, reaffirming that the blessing should not be denied to anyone. He reiterated his stance of promoting a more inclusive and less critical Catholic Church, a mission that has been central to his pontificate.

Despite significant resistance within the Church itself, especially among conservative sectors, Pope Francis has defended the measure of blessings for homosexual couples, known as Fiducia Supplicans, on several occasions. He clarified that the blessings do not equate to formal approval of same-sex unions, but rather to the blessing of the people who request it.

“When a couple comes forward spontaneously to request it, it is not the union that is blessed, but simply the people who together requested it. Not the union, but the people”, he clarified on January 26th. The Pope said “moral perfection” is not a requirement to receive a blessing

“No one should be denied the blessing. “Everyone, everyone, everyone,” said the Supreme Pontiff, repeating a three-word motto he used in August during a Catholic youth festival in Portugal. Francis, who at the beginning of his pontificate uttered the famous phrase “who am I to judge?” When asked about homosexuality, he made promoting a more welcoming and less critical Catholic Church one of his missions.

Pope Francis’ historic openness to the blessing of same-sex couples or couples in an “irregular” situation, such as divorced and remarried couples, has been welcomed by many episcopal conferences around the world, but the more conservative wing describes it as “blasphemy”. Other bishops, such as those from Africa and Eastern Europe, continue to show their rejection in countries where homosexuality is severely punished, even with the death penalty.

However, Francis reiterated his hope that critics can understand his reasons, even as he acknowledged the special difficulties faced by African bishops on this issue.

Another disruptive position is that the Pope highlights the importance of opening work in the Curia to women. “In the Roman Curia there are now several women because they perform certain functions better than us men,” said Francis.

As the debate continues inside and outside the Catholic Church, Pope Francis remains steadfast in his defense of blessings for homosexual couples, reinforcing his commitment to a more inclusive and compassionate approach towards the LGBTQ+ community.


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