Photo: Orsi Yamandu/Facebook

Last Saturday (19), in Montevideo, the former president of Uruguay, Pepe Mujica, aged 89, gave an emotional speech to the militants during his campaign schedule Yamandú Orsi, who is running for president for the Frente Amplio, which brings together parties from left, such as Mujica’s Popular Participation Movement (MPP).

The former president is fighting esophageal cancer and spoke in a farewell tone, even though his message is to last eternity.

“This is the first time in the last 40 years that I have not participated in an electoral campaign. And I do this because I am fighting death. Because I’m at the end of the game, absolutely convinced and aware. But I would have to come here today because of what you symbolize,” he said.

read more: PC of Uruguay says that Frente Amplio can win, but must govern with the people

“I am an old man who is very close to embarking on the retreat from which he will never return. But, I’m happy because when my arms are gone there will be thousands of arms replacing them in the fight. All my life I’ve said that the best managers are those who leave behind a team that surpasses them by far. And today you are. There is Yamandú, there is Pacha, there will be thousands of others waiting, and other young arms to continue in the continuous fight for a better world”, he added.

During his speech, he paid tribute to his wife, Senator Lucía Topolansky, his medical team and party companions, for whom he attributed that he was still alive.

Finally, Mujica made an appeal against hatred and for hope and concluded: “Until always… I give you my heart. And thank you. I have to thank life because when these arms are gone there will be thousands of arms.”

Elections in Uruguay take place on October 27th.

*With information from Brasil de Fato


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