This Tuesday (24), the former president of Uruguay, Pepe Mujica, and the coordinator of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), João Pedro Stedile, launch the Latin American and Caribbean Day for the Integration of Peoples, which will take place between December 7th and 9th, in Foz do Iguaçu (PR).

Also participating in the launch are Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize winner from Argentina, Carol Proner, from the Brazilian Association of Jurists, and Rafael Freire Neto, from the Continental Journey for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism. The event, which takes place at 5pm, will be broadcast live on the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (CSA) channel.

In addition to Pepe Mujica, the day will be attended by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) to share opinions and experiences on integration processes, defense of democracy and people’s sovereignty.

:: With Lula and Mujica invited, the event will discuss Latin American and Caribbean integration in Foz do Iguaçu ::

The meeting is organized by Alba Movimentos, the Continental Latin American and Caribbean Student Organization (Oclae), the Continental Journey for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism, the International Assembly of Peoples (AIP), the Workers’ Union Confederation of the Americas and the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila), which will host the day, in Foz do Iguaçu.

:: Integration of South America: leaders present proposals to encourage cooperation ::

“To defend what remains of sovereignty it is necessary to bring together interests in a long-term policy and draw conclusions from the failures we have had, because, in the final analysis, the phenomena of integration were political concerns of politicians, of intellectuals, but they did not have people, they did not materialize among our people,” said Mujica about the journey.

Pepe Mujica riding in his Beetle alongside President Lula / Ricardo Stuckert

The journey also aims to bring to the debate topics such as the systemic crisis of capitalism, threats to peace, the sovereignty of peoples, the economic, political and cultural context of the region and the challenges of Latin America in a context of advancement of the extreme right in global level.

Along the journey, the Festival for Land, Art and Bread, organized by the MST, will also take place.

Editing: Vivian Virissimo


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