C20, a group made up of NGOs, will prepare a document with recommendations for health, safety, environment and economy by June

More than 1,500 social organizations from 60 countries that are part of the C20, a civil society group linked to the G20, will take part in the production of the final document of the summit meeting that will be held in November 2024. The group, which is independent of the participating economies , will make suggestions in areas such as health, international security, environment and economy, among others.

The group’s coordinator, Henrique Frota, stated that each of the engagement groups has autonomous governance within the G20. “In the C20 case, it is entirely managed by civil society organizations. There is independence from organizations and social movements in the way C20 operates. And its main purpose is to prepare proposals to influence global leaders in the rounds”these.

The G20, an international forum that brings together governments from 19 of the world’s main economies, in addition to 2 blocks of countries, brings together annual summits with heads of government, foreign ministers and ministers of Economy to discuss topics of international relevance and define proposals for the global agenda in next years.

The result of these discussions is an official communiqué, released at the end of each summit meeting. To contribute to the production of this document, every year civil society and other authorities organize themselves into 13 engagement groups, specialized in various topics, such as business, labor rights, justice, business, youth and women.

“The work will be carried out from March to June, to produce its proposals. The C20 does not start from scratch. It has already been built for 10 years. The group has existed since 2013. So, this year’s proposals are not necessarily proposals that we are going to build from scratch. We will build on the accumulations and international debates that the group already has”said Frota.

According to him, however, as this year’s summit takes place in Brazil, it is natural that some issues stand out in the C20 discussions.

“There is a desire for Brazilian organizations and social movements to be able to add their values ​​and demands. And the priorities of the Brazilian presidency, in relation to combating hunger and poverty, sustainable development, energy transition and reform of the multilateral system end up guiding the debates”these.

Frota explains that some topics are of interest to different engagement groups, so, in addition to negotiations with governments, there will be conversations with other groups, such as L20 (which brings together unions), W20 (on issues related to gender equality) and T20 (which engages experts and institutions specialized in socioeconomic issues).

Among the other engagement groups are P20 (which brings together parliamentary leaders), S20 (scientists), B20 (companies), U20 (urban authorities), Y20 (young people) and J20 (supreme courts).

Understand the G20

This Friday (Feb 23, 2024), C20 launched, in partnership with the Brics Studies and Research Center, from PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio), a guide so that the population understands what it is and How the G20 works.

The Notebook for Understanding the G20 can be accessed on the Study Center website. The G20 is made up of the governments of 19 countries – South Africa, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, South Korea, the United States, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom , Russia and Turkey – in addition to the European Union and the African Union. The latter joined the group in 2023.

With information from Agência Brasil.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/brasil/mais-de-15-mil-organizacoes-sociais-vao-elaborar-sugestoes-ao-g20/

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