On February 21st and 22nd, Brazil will host the meeting of G20 foreign ministers. The conference will be chaired by the Brazilian Foreign Minister, Mauro Vieira, and will be attended by the Russian Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov, and the American Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, among other ministers from the group.

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At the opening of the event this Tuesday (20), Ambassador Mauricio Carvalho Lyrio, Secretary of Economic and Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Brazil’s main negotiator at the G20, spoke about the priority agendas of Brazil’s presidency during the conference. Brazil assumed the presidency of the group on December 1, 2023, with a mandate until November 30 of this year.

According to the ambassador, the reform of global governance, the fight against climate change and the global alliance against hunger were defined as priority themes for Brazil during the meeting of G20 foreign ministers.

“An absolutely priority topic also for the Brazilian presidency is the topic of global governance reform. This topic, as you know, was established as one of the biggest priorities of the Brazilian presidency during the G20”, said Maurício Lyrio.

“The global alliance against hunger and poverty is a priority, that is, the entire international social agenda. Second, the issue of mobilization against climate change, that is, how to obtain resources for energy transitions and combating climate change climate. And the third is the reform of global governance. As President Lula has said, we are living in a world without governance and the proliferation of conflicts is a very acute concern”, added the ambassador.

When asked by reporters whether President Lula’s recent statements, comparing Israel’s actions against civilians in Gaza with the genocide of Jews promoted by Nazi Germany in the Second World War, could disrupt the dynamics of the Brazilian presidency during the G20.

“It has been a clear position of the Brazilian government, which is, in the case of resolving any conflict, to preach for peace. And that is why this story of global governance reform is also very important, because it is one thing to work for peace in each of conflicts, another thing is global governance that prevents the outbreak of conflicts, so we are putting out fires”, he stated.

The ambassador stated that the Brazilian presidency defends an “effective reform of the UN”, so that the organization is an effective instrument to avoid new conflicts.” “It is necessary to adapt the international system to avoid the occurrence of new conflicts, hence the role of UN is central”, he added.

Editing: Rodrigo Durão Coelho

Source: www.brasildefato.com.br

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