The president-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, announced that his first trips will be to the United States and Israel, even before his inauguration on December 10th. To the Argentine press, Milei stated that the trips have “a more spiritual connotation than other characteristics”.

The visit to the countries confirms Milei’s alignment with the position of the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the prime minister of Israel, Benhamin Netanyahu, both on the extreme right. The new president of Argentina has even declared support for Israeli forces in attacks against Palestinians.

Even before Milei announced her trips, her victory was praised by leaders and personalities aligned with the far right around the world, such as Donald Trump himself. The candidate from the Freedom Advances party won the presidential elections against Sergio Massa, Minister of Economy in Alberto Fernández’s government, this Sunday (19).

Donald Trump said he is “very proud” of Javier Milei. “You will change your country and truly make Argentina great again,” he wrote on his Truth Social profile. Ultraliberal billionaire Elon Musk also celebrated the results of the Argentine elections. “Prosperity is ahead of Argentina”, he said on his profile on X, formerly Twitter.

:: Milei may have difficulty completing his term, says an expert in Argentine history ::

The former president of Argentina, Mauricio Macri, who declared support for Milei after the first round, also celebrated the result. “The majority of Argentines expressed themselves in a forceful way, choosing change and rejecting continuity,” he wrote in his profile on X.

“I congratulate Javier Milei for bravely representing the will to advance and prosper that lives in the hearts of Argentines. He knew how to listen to the voice of young people and the frustration of millions of impoverished people. There is no doubt that today an era begins. This gives us hope. The new government will need support, trust and patience from all of us”, he concluded.

:: Javier Milei defeated Sergio Massa in 20 of Argentina’s 23 provinces ::

Former president Jair Bolsonaro, also from the extreme right, congratulated Milei and stated in his profile on X that “hope is shining again in South America”. “May these good winds reach the United States and Brazil so that honesty, progress and freedom return to all of us,” he wrote.

Repercussion in Latin America and the United States

Among other left-aligned politicians, the electoral process in Argentina was highlighted. The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric congratulated Argentine democracy and wished “the best for the Argentine people”.

In Brazil, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wrote on his profile on X that “democracy is the voice of the people, and it must always be respected. Lula also congratulated Argentine institutions “for conducting the electoral process” and the “Argentine people who participated in the electoral day in an orderly and peaceful manner”.

“I wish the new government good luck and success. Argentina is a great country and deserves all our respect. Brazil will always be available to work together with our Argentine brothers”, she concluded.

:: Massa admits defeat; Argentines choose far-right candidate Javier Milei as new president ::

In the same vein, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, said that Milei’s victory is a decision of Argentine society. He regretted, however, the result: “Sad for Latin America. Neoliberalism no longer has a proposal for society, it cannot respond to humanity’s current problems.”

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken celebrated the “robust democratic process through which the Argentine public has spoken. The strong turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote are a testament to Argentina’s electoral and democratic institutions.”

:: Unpredictable result raises alarm in Argentina: ‘If Milei wins, we will have chaos’ ::

Editing: Vivian Virissimo


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