President says players can use the balcony of the Executive headquarters to celebrate the Copa América title, if they want

Argentina’s President Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza, right) invited the Argentine national football team to the balcony of the Casa Rosada, the country’s executive branch, to celebrate the team’s victory in the Copa América. The team became the competition’s biggest winner by claiming its 16th title on Sunday (16.Jul.2024) in a match against Colombia.

The Argentine national team received US$18 million as a prize for winning the Conmebol tournament. The current world champions, the Argentine national team also had Artificial Intelligence on their side. AI analysis indicated the team as the favorite to win the Copa América.

“I would love to, but it’s their decision. [jogadores]. I respect the decision they make. If they feel they want to use the balcony, I will give them the use of the balcony. If they were willing to have me [na Federação Argentina de Futebol] to greet you, it would also be a pleasure for me”said Milei in an interview with Mitre Radio.

“It’s a decision they have to make because it’s their achievement”he said. He also said that the players are “true titans”.

Economy Minister Luis Caputo also commented on the match and stated that it was “a great game”. “We screamed like crazy here. We suffered a bit, but it was a great game. [Eles] are truly champions”these.


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