During a meeting with the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sanchez, this Wednesday (6), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva highlighted the cooperation between the two countries in the fight against the extreme right and reinforced Brazil’s position in favor of the creation of a Palestinian state, a position also defended by Sanchez.

“Spain and Brazil are two great democracies that face extremism, denial of politics and hate speech fueled by fake news. Our experience in confronting the extreme right, which operates in a coordinated manner internationally, teaches us that it is necessary to unite all democrats of the world,” said Lula in his press release.

Starting from his international agenda at the end of February with participation in the summits of the African Union, the Community of Caribbean Countries (Caricom) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the Brazilian president highlighted “the great convergence in the Global South in around the need for reform of international organizations”, and cited the framework Guernicaby Spanish painter Pablo Picasso to criticize the “paralysis” of the UN Security Council.

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“The work Guernica by Pablo Picasso summarizes the outrage at the horror and destruction caused by all wars and conflicts and should serve as an inspiration to the international community. The paralysis of the Security Council in the face of the war in Ukraine and Gaza is clear proof of the need for urgent reforms in the global governance system to make it more representative, legitimate and effective”, said the Brazilian president.

Lula also defended the need to move forward “immediately” in the creation of a Palestinian state and “recognize it as a full member of the UN, a state that is economically viable and that can live in peace with Israel”. Like Brazil, Spain has adopted a harsher tone when referring to the massacre carried out by Israel against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip and publicly defends the creation of a Palestinian State.

“We have always stressed the importance of coherence in relation to international law. Just as we defended Russia’s departure from a free and sovereign country, we defended it from the first moment.

“After 30,000 deaths and devastation in the Gaza Strip that will require decades of reconstruction to return to pre-attack levels of economic growth and well-being, levels that in themselves were already extremely poor, we have reasonable doubts that Israel is complying with international humanitarian law,” Sanchez said.

The Prime Minister of Spain also highlighted his position for the creation of a Palestinian State as one of the necessary measures for a peace agreement in the region. “It undoubtedly involves the recognition of the two states by the international community, the Arab world recognizing Israel and the Western world recognizing a reality that exists, which is that of the Palestinian State.”

Regulation of App Workers

Lula also pointed out the cooperation between Brazil and Spain in the development of measures to protect workers and said that the experience of the European country inspired the bill that regulates work through applications in Brazil, sent on Monday (4) by Planalto to the National Congress.

“The competitiveness we seek cannot result from the reduction in family income, the reduction in formal employment, the restriction of workers’ freedoms or the dismantling of social policies,” argued Lula.

Mercosur Agreement – EU

In his speech, Pedro Sanchez highlighted Brazil’s leadership in advancing the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union. “It is an initiative that strengthens our commercial and investment links and also clearly contributes to social, labor and environmental benefits.”

“Latin America and the European Union are natural allies and Brazil and Spain are invited to boost this alliance, so I am determined to continue building on these commitments reached at the European Union Summit – Celac last year.”

Lula responded by nodding, regretted that the agreement had not been signed when he was president of Mercosur and Sanchez was head of the European bloc and stated: “we are still going to sign this agreement”.

“The European Union needs this agreement. Brazil needs this agreement. It is no longer a question of wanting or not wanting, of liking or not liking. We need politically, economically and geographically to make this agreement, we need to give a signal to the world that We want to move forward. That’s why I’m optimistic”, said the Brazilian president.

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Editing: Rodrigo Durão Coelho

Source: www.brasildefato.com.br

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