Corina Yoris was unable to register to run in the July elections; Itamaraty says it is monitoring the situation
Corina Yoris, candidate for President of Venezuela opposing Nicolás Maduro, stated that President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) can encourage the return of democracy in the neighboring country. “Lula’s recent statements support the restitution of democracy. They help the regime to give space for the possibility of free elections”declared Yoris.
In an interview with Folha de S.Paulothe candidate said that Caracas’ response in relation to Itamaraty’s position on her difficulty in registering her candidacy was “disrespectful in terms of international diplomatic language”.
“A demonstration [do Brasil] of this type It’s not interference, it’s acting to tell a government not to deviate from certain channels and respect certain agreements.”, declared the Venezuelan candidate. Corina stated that she will continue trying to register to run for election. “I didn’t throw in the towel and I believe there are many who haven’t thrown in the towel”these.
On March 25, Maduro’s opponent declared that she had no access to the CNE (National Electoral Council) system and was unable to register for the July 28 election. The following day, on March 26, Itamaraty released a note expressing concern about the country’s electoral process.
According to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the impediment constitutes a violation of the Barbados Agreement, in which Venezuela guarantees the holding of free elections in exchange for the end of sanctions on local oil.
“Brazil is ready, together with other members of the international community, to cooperate so that the election announced for July 28 constitutes a firm step towards normalizing political life and strengthening democracy in Venezuela”stated the ministry.
The Brazilian government’s statement displeased Caracas, which classified it as “gray and intrusive […] which appears to have been dictated by the United States Department of State.”.
The Barbados Agreement was made in 2023 by the Venezuelan government and the country’s opposition with the aim of holding clean and fair elections in 2024.
However, before Corina Yoris, former deputy María Corina Machado had also had her candidacy registration denied. The opponent had won an internal dispute and appointed Yoris as her replacement.
Without both candidates, the opposition to Nicolás Maduro will be Manuel Rosales, current governor of Zulia. Corina Machado said that she will not support Rosales and that her name remains Corina Yoris.
The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, 61 years old, heads an autocratic regime with no guarantees of fundamental freedoms. He keeps, for example, people imprisoned for what he considers “political crimes”.
There are also restrictions described in reports from the OAS (on the “illegitimate appointment” of the National Electoral Council by an illegitimate National Assembly) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (from October 2022, November 2022 and March 2023).
Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/brasil/lula-pode-incentivar-democracia-na-venezuela-diz-opositora-de-maduro/