Photo: OMS/Jihad Alshrafi

The resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza approved by the United Nations (UN) Security Council on Monday (25) was not met by Israel, which continues with bombings in the region.

There have already been more than 32,000 Palestinian deaths in the war that began on October 7. The Gaza Ministry of Health indicated that 70 Palestinians were killed overnight, after the resolution was approved.

Some of them, 13 people, had their lives taken by air strikes near the city of Rafah, where 1.5 million people are after bombings devastated a large part of the territory, mainly the north.

In addition to the ceasefire during Ramadan (March 10 to April 9), the resolution establishes the release of hostages and the entry of humanitarian aid. Releasing the hostages is not conditional on the truce, a different position from the previous resolution proposed by the United States and which had been rejected.

Hamas said it accepted the decision and was willing to exchange prisoners with Israel, which it accuses of boycotting the negotiations. An estimated 130 hostages are held by Hamas, while Israel holds 7,000 Palestinians imprisoned.

read more: UN Security Council approves resolution to ceasefire in Gaza

This Tuesday (26), a UN expert is expected to present a report calling for Israel to suffer an arms embargo, as there is evidence that the country is promoting genocide in Palestinian territory.

According to the UN, which confirms information from the Ministry of Health, “a few hours after the approval of a Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, reports of deaths of minors emerged; child deaths since the start of the war reached 13,570; Unicef ​​representative describes the north of the enclave as just “chaos, ruins and rubble”.

On the other hand, the Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, used social media to refute the resolution and maintain the position for genocide under the allegation of putting an end to Hamas: “The State of Israel will not cease fire. We will destroy Hamas and continue to fight until the last of those kidnapped returns home.”


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