President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva spoke by telephone this Monday (23) with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. According to the Kremlin press service, the leaders expressed serious concern about the increasing number of civilian casualties.

According to information from the Russian government, the conversation was initiated by President Lula. The leaders highlighted the importance of establishing a rapid ceasefire and ensuring the evacuation of foreign nationals from the Gaza Strip.

:: Number of deaths in the Gaza Strip exceeds 5 thousand according to Palestinian authorities; more than 2 thousand victims are children ::

“Serious concerns were expressed about the growing number of civilian casualties, and the fundamental importance of a rapid ceasefire, the evacuation of foreign nationals from the Gaza Strip and ensuring unimpeded access to the enclave for humanitarian aid was emphasized,” says the communicated.

During the dialogue, President Lula spoke to Putin about the situation of Brazilian citizens in Gaza and reiterated the urgency to create a humanitarian corridor that would allow foreigners to leave and medicine, water and food to enter the area, under an Israeli blockade. .

Lula and Putin also spoke about the war in Ukraine. According to the Brazilian presidency, “President Lula reaffirmed Brazil’s willingness to help in any mediation when the sides involved are willing to talk about peace.”

In the Kremlin note, it was highlighted that “Vladimir Putin outlined his fundamental assessments of the destructive line of the Kiev regime and its Western patrons, and reaffirmed Russia’s openness to dialogue, while the Kiev authorities comply with known Russian conditions and have taking into account new realities”. “The president of Brazil, in turn, spoke in favor of finding ways to resolve the conflict through political and diplomatic means,” the Kremlin added.

Furthermore, Lula and Putin expressed the desire to continue close cooperation within the framework of the BRICS group and the G20, chaired respectively by Russia and Brazil next year, “as well as to develop mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries in a variety of areas “.

Editing: Thalita Pires


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