Graham Smith and other protesters held a demonstration against the coronation of King Charles III

The leader of one of the main movements against the UK monarchy and other protest organizers “Not my King(“Not my king”in free translation) were arrested this Saturday (May 6, 2023) shortly before the coronation ceremony of King Charles 3rd.

Graham Smith is the chief executive of the Republic movement. According to the newspaper Guardianhe was collecting signs for the demonstrators when he was stopped with 5 other people by the police.

We asked on what basis they were arrested, but they didn’t say. It comes as a surprise as we had several meetings with the police”, said Harry Stratton, director of the Republic, to the Guardian.

A spokesman for the Met, the London Police, said that “a significant police operation is underway in central London” and were carried out “several” arrests on suspicion of breach of the peace, conspiracy to cause public disturbance, and possession of articles to cause criminal mischief.

O Met had said earlier this week that it would have a “extremely low tolerance” for those looking “minar” the day of the coronation.

Watch footage of the protests and the moment of Graham Smith’s arrest:


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