Like former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, protesters are against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reform

The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, dismissed on Sunday (26.Mar.2023) the Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant. The decision broke new protests through the streets of the country.

Since the beginning of the year, a wave of demonstrations has swept through Israel. The population complains about the reform of the Judiciary proposed by the government. If approved, the project could hurt the checks and balances of the longest-lasting and most stable democracy in the Middle East, says the opposition (read more below).

Gallant was dismissed 1 day after breaking with the government and asking for the reform to be suspended.

Carrying Israeli flags, tens of thousands of people took to the streets on Sunday night (26.Mar). According to the website Times of Israelthey chanted slogans like “democracy or revolt”, “we are not afraid” e “Bibi, go home”. Netanyahu is called “Bibi” by supporters.

Protesters blocked a major intersection in Tel Aviv, lit fires and gathered in front of Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem.

Playback/Twitter @Drss1122 – 27.mar.2023

Israelis block intersection in Tel Aviv

the local station It’s 12 stated that between 600,000 and 700,000 people participated in Sunday’s acts. already the Haaretz, from the Jewish community, spoke in the tens of thousands. Until the publication of this text, no official estimates were released.

Israeli police said rocks and other objects were thrown at the security officers, injuring 3. In response, they threw water cannons to disperse the crowd.

The acts lasted until the early hours of this Monday (March 27). New demonstrations are being called for throughout the day.

Several videos of the protests were shared on social media. Watch some of them:

  • demonstrators broke through the barricade in front of the prime minister’s house. “Tomorrow a national strike is on the horizon”, says the post.
  • people chanted “we are not afraid” on the streets of Tel Aviv:
  • crossing block in Tel Aviv:
  • attack in the city of Kiryat Ono, Tel Aviv district:


Israel is a parliamentary republic. The Executive is formed by the majority in the Legislature. Netanyahu has 64 out of 120 votes in parliament. His coalition is made up of 5 right-wing parties, some of them extremists who have never been in power.

By the new rules that the government wants to pass, it will be possible for the Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) to review Supreme Court decisions.

The premier and opposition diverge on the reform. On the one hand, the government accuses the Supreme Court of interfering in matters that are not within its purview.

On the other hand, the opposition accuses the government of trying to weaken one of the powers in order to strengthen itself. In addition, Netanyahu is investigated for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Its opponents say the reform would be a vendetta” personnel against the judiciary.


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