Photo: Reproduction/ Israeli Army

On the same day that the death toll reached the scandalous number of 30 thousand victims, the Israeli military opened fire, this Thursday (29), on a hungry crowd that attacked a humanitarian aid convoy in Gaza. There are 129 deaths according to the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian territory, governed by Hamas.

The Brazilian government, in a note published by Itamaraty, stated that it reacted with “deep consternation” to the massacre carried out by Tel Aviv and says that the Israeli government ‘does not have any ethical or legal limits’ in Gaza.

With the massacre, Israel’s far-right government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is experiencing its worst moment in the war, while the UN (United Nations) and even the USA, an early ally, criticized the action. genocidal.

The Israeli Army stated this Thursday that there was a “riot” when thousands of civilians attacked a convoy of 30 trucks with humanitarian aid, which caused dozens of deaths and injuries, some being run over by the vehicles.

An Israeli source indicated that the soldiers opened fire on the crowd when they felt “threatened”. The Gaza Ministry of Health detailed that at least 129 people died and around 750 people were injured.

According to the Gaza ministry and several witnesses, the Israeli military positioned nearby to protect the convoy fired at the crowd that advanced on the trucks.

The episode dampens hopes that Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement will establish a truce in the coming days. United States President Joe Biden, who this week mentioned the possibility of an agreement before next Monday, admitted that this deadline “probably” cannot be met.

Hours after the massacre, the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, stated that the Israeli Defense Forces acted in an “excellent” manner and demanded “full support” for the massacre. Ben-Gvir said the military “acted excellently against a Gaza mob that tried to harm them.”

“Full support must be given to our heroic fighters operating in Gaza, who acted excellently against a Gazan mob that tried to harm them,” the Israeli minister wrote on Twitter.

In a statement, Itamaraty said that “cynical and offensive statements to the victims of the incident, made hours later by a high-ranking official in the Netanyahu government, should be the final straw for anyone who truly believes in the value of human life.”

Ben-Gvir is a member of Jewish Power, an extreme right-wing party, and has already been accused of being a supremacist. He called the continuation of shipments of basic items to Gaza “madness”. For him, supporting the local population also represents a risk to Israeli soldiers.

Despite the cynicism of Netanyahu’s government, international pressure increases the weight of criticism of Israeli military actions.

This Thursday, the United States demanded answers from Israel after the publication of an aerial video by the Jewish State’s army.

“We have been in contact with the Israeli government since early this morning and understand that an investigation is being carried out. We will closely monitor this investigation and press for answers,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

“We are urgently seeking additional information about what exactly happened,” added the spokesperson, who offered his condolences to the families of those killed.

At the UN Security Council, however, the United States voted against a declaration that would hold Tel Aviv responsible for Palestinian deaths during the distribution of food and humanitarian aid.

In turn, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, “condemned” what happened this Thursday during the food distribution and stated that he was “shocked” by the latest episode. The secretary said that the massacre episode requires an independent investigation.

“I am fully convinced that we need a humanitarian ceasefire and an immediate and unconditional release of hostages. And in this we need to have a Security Council capable of achieving these objectives”, he concluded.

It is not just international pressure that is cornering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. On Thursday night, hundreds of people gathered in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel, in a demonstration calling for an end to the war against Hamas, in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Israeli portal Times of Israel, around 300 people participated in the protest, which was called by progressive organizations in the country.


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