Document signed by 17 countries says the release of the hostages would allow an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip

A joint letter signed by 17 countries, including Brazil, calls for the release of hostages held by the extremist group Hamas for more than 200 days, in the conflict with Israel, in the Gaza Strip. The document says that the hostage release agreement would allow an immediate ceasefire in the region.

The document mentions that among the hostages there are citizens of the countries that signed the letter – however, it does not specify whether there are Brazilians among those detained by Hamas. “The fate of the hostages and population in Gaza, who are protected by international law, is a cause for international concern”says an excerpt.

Brazil was the first country to recognize the State of Palestine. Since the beginning of the conflict escalation, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) has criticized Israel and supported South Africa’s initiative to call the UN International Court of Justice to investigate “acts and measures that may constitute genocide or related crimes” and order Israel’s immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Lula compared the Israeli military operation with the extermination of Jews carried out by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany on February 18. The statement was followed by a loud response from the Israeli government, which publicly reprimanded Brazilian ambassador Frederico Meyer at the Holocaust Museum and declared Lula “persona non grata” (i.e., that she is not welcome) in Israel until she apologizes for what she said.

Read the full joint letter:

“Joint declaration by Germany, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom, Serbia and Thailand for the release of hostages held in Gaza.

“We call for the immediate release of all Hamas hostages, who have been detained in Gaza for more than 200 days. Among them are our own citizens. The fate of the hostages and population in Gaza, who are protected by international law, is a cause for international concern.

“We emphasize that the agreement on the table for the release of the hostages would allow for an immediate and prolonged ceasefire in Gaza, which would facilitate the delivery of necessary additional humanitarian assistance to the entire Gaza Strip and lead to a credible end to hostilities. Gazans could return to their homes and lands, with advance preparations to ensure shelter and humanitarian supplies.

“We strongly support the ongoing mediation efforts so that our nationals can return home. We reiterate our call on Hamas to release the hostages and let us bring an end to this crisis so that, collectively, we can focus our efforts on bringing peace and stability to the region.”


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