Governments of Brazil, the United States and international bodies such as the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of American States (OAS) are following the events in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, with concern. Since the escape of around four thousand prisoners on Saturday (2) led the country to declare a state of emergency the following day, the city has been plunged into chaos and has seen clashes at several points. The curfew is in effect, in theory, until next Wednesday (6).

The crisis in the country has worsened with the disappearance of Prime Minister Ariel Henry since Monday, three days after signing a security cooperation agreement with Kenya.

The state of emergency was declared after fugitives, most of them gang members, invaded public buildings, killing at least 12 people. They claim to be pushing for Henry’s resignation. It is estimated that armed groups control around 80% of the capital. There are numerous clashes between gangs and the police.

The presence of armed groups has grown significantly in Haiti since 2020. Among the escaped prisoners were gangs accused of killing the country’s then president, Jovenel Moïse in 2021.


Itamaraty demanded that the international community actually act to help the country, by sending an international security mission.

“Recalling its historic commitment to the stabilization of Haiti, Brazil calls on the international community to urgently adopt concrete steps to support the country, in particular through the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2699 (2023), which creates the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti (MSS), as well as through actions in favor of the country’s development.”

The Brazilian government also demanded that Haitian leaders contribute to the holding of elections as soon as the situation of violence is minimally resolved, to guarantee security for voters and candidates. The embassy in Port-au-Prince said it is in contact with the Brazilian community in the country and there is no record of incidents involving Brazilian citizens.

International Community

The crisis in the poorest country in the Americas was commented on by other regional leaders. The US said it was “following with great concern the rapid deterioration of the security situation in Haiti.” The comment was made by the spokesman for the United States National Security Council, John Kirby.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres also said he was concerned and called for “urgent action, especially to provide financial support to the multinational security mission”.

The OAS, on the other hand, said it was “irresponsible that the necessary measures and actions continue to be delayed” to stabilize Haiti.

The neighboring Dominican Republic – the only country to have a land border with Haiti – said it had reinforced its military presence on the border.

Editing: Matheus Alves de Almeida


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