Local police say they are monitoring the match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund; case comes after the group claims attack in Russia

A football game between Bayern Munich and Broussia Dortmund this Saturday (30 March 2024) received alleged threats from the Islamic State. An image published on the extremist group’s channel shows the Allianz Arena stadium, where the game is taking place.

The Munich Police said they were aware of the situation and that there were no concrete signs of danger. He also said, on social media, that he is monitoring the situation with the central government.

Despite there being no concrete signs of danger, the police increased the number of security agents at this Saturday’s game, which started at 2:30 pm (Brasília time).

The alleged threat comes 1 week after the extremist group claimed responsibility for the attack on a concert hall in the metropolitan area of ​​Moscow, Russia. Gunmen stormed Crcous City Hall and killed 133 people.

Agents from Vladimir Putin’s government arrested 11 suspects for the attack. Of them, 4 appeared at the Basmanny District Court and 2 of them – with clear signs of beatings – confessed to the crime.

In a speech on national television 1 day after the attack (23 March), the Russian president said that the suspects were captured when they tried to flee to Ukraine. Kiev has denied any involvement.

Source: https://www.poder360.com.br/internacional/jogo-do-campeonato-alemao-recebe-suposta-ameaca-do-estado-islamico/

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