The Working Group of the Foro de São Paulo issued a note on the situation in Peru, in which it rejects the political harassment suffered by the government elected in June 2021, points out concern about the intensification of repression against demonstrators, expresses its regret for the deaths that occurred and makes a call to the left and progressive camp for a popular and democratic solution and an end to violence to be made possible.

So far, at least 21 people have been killed during the protests that have taken place since December 7, resulting from the political crisis that took hold after the attempt to dissolve Congress by then-president Pedro Castillo and his dismissal and imprisonment, followed by the inauguration of vice-president Dina Boluarte.

Read too: Protests grow across Peru and Boluarte puts Army in the streets

“The Forum shows its concern with the intensification of repression through the mobilization of the army and the police against demonstrators, the use of the curfew, arbitrary arrests and illegal raids on the headquarters of political parties and social organizations”, says the note, issued on Monday (19).

The document also demands the suspension of “the state of emergency, the end of militarization and unlimited repression against the social and political mobilization of the Peruvian people who have seen their human rights violated”.

Read the full note below.:

Note on the situation in Peru

The Foro de São Paulo rejects the political harassment suffered against the government elected in June 2021 and the maneuvers reconciled between the right, the media conglomerates and the Peruvian oligarchic sectors, which resorted to all kinds of actions to prevent a government elected through vote, fulfilled the popular mandate that legitimately brought him to power.

The Forum shows its concern with the intensification of repression through the mobilization of the army and the police against demonstrators, the use of the curfew, arbitrary arrests and illegal raids on the headquarters of political parties and social organizations, for which the lifting of the state of emergency, the end of militarization and unlimited repression against the social and political mobilization of the Peruvian people who saw their human rights violated.

The Forum expresses its condolences and deep regrets for the deceased, as well as demands that these deaths be clarified and that their families be treated diligently and with dignity.

A call is made to the political forces that make up the Forum of São Paulo, to the entire left, progressive sectors and to the Peruvian popular movement to work for a popular and democratic solution that puts an end to violence.

Working Group of
forum of São Paulo



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