In Japan, the arrival of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, who landed early this Saturday night (local time), 20, in Hiroshima, took the participants of the meeting by surprise, who saw the European become the center of attention in the summit, even outside the official agenda.

“Zelensky went to the meeting and hijacked the G7. His presence puts every matter in the shade. He is there to be applauded by the G7”, said Giorgio Romano, professor of International Relations and Economics at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and member of the Observatory of Foreign Policy and International Insertion of Brazil (OPEB).

After stepping on Japanese soil, Zelensky asked for a meeting with the Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). The delegation from Brazil has not yet responded to the Ukrainian’s invitation and the meeting is not confirmed.

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But, for Romano, an eventual evolution in the talks for peace may favor a perspective of the Brazilian government. “I think Lula was very consistent from day one. It turns out that some NATO governments were not fair to Lula. From the first day of the invasion, Lula condemned the invasion. In search of a solution, Lula also appeals to Zelensky, not just Putin.”

In his speech at the G7 summit, Lula attacked neoliberalism and asked the poorest countries for help. “The foreign indebtedness of many countries, which victimized Brazil in the past and today devastates Argentina, is the cause of blatant and growing inequality, and requires a treatment from the International Monetary Fund that considers the social consequences of adjustment policies.”

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Romano recalls that Lula will take over the presidency of the G20 later this year, a group that brings together the twenty largest economies in the world, and that he is interested in bringing to the debate a position defended by countries that are not part of the G7.

“Structural changes should be discussed at the G20, where the global south is present. At the G7, they are only invited for coffee. It is important for Lula to use the space to deliver this message, but it is a message for ears that are not very concerned about this speech,” said Romano.

Editing: Jose Eduardo Bernardes


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