President of Argentina receives applause after declaring in Madrid that “opening the door to socialism is an invitation to death”

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, said this Sunday (May 19, 2024) that “the damn socialists” murdered 150 million human beings. He received a standing ovation when he said “bno more socialism, no more hunger, no more misery”, during the Europa Viva 24 event, organized by the right-wing party Vox in Madrid, Spain.

During the event, Milei criticized the center-left Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez. Without naming him, she declared that she had a corrupt wife and that she had to think for 5 days whether she would stay in office. Sánchez said he considered resigning. Begonã Gómez, the prime minister’s wife, was investigated for influence peddling and corruption.

Held at Palácio Vistalegre Arena, the event had long queues and featured right-wing world leaders, such as:

  • José Antonio Ortega Lara, Spanish founder of Vox;
  • Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary;
  • Giorgia Meloni, prime minister of Italy;
  • Roger Severino, American lawyer;
  • Matt Schlapp. North American politician creator of the American Conservative Union;
  • Mercedes Schlapp, former White House communications director under George W. Bush;
  • José Antonio Kast, leading politician of the Republican Party of Chile;
  • André Ventura, deputy and leader of the Chega party, from Portugal;
  • Jorge Buxade, head of the Vox delegation at the European Parliament;
  • Amichai Chikli, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora and Combating Anti-Semitism;
  • Mateusz Morawiecki, politician who was Prime Minister of Poland from 2017 to 2023.

The venue has capacity for 14,240 people, according to the official website. Milei declared that the left wants to impose a worldview that is immoral and contrary to Western values. She stated that she faced a political system in Argentina defending the ideas of freedom. “I am convinced that today, more than ever, these ideas and values […] are in danger and need to be defended from the damned and cancerous socialism”these.

In the video below, Milei’s participation starts at 2:34:00.


Milei declared that socialism is an ideology that goes directly against human nature. “[O socialismo] necessarily leads to slavery or death, there is no other possible destination, opening the door to socialism is an invitation to death”, these.

The president of Argentina defended the basic principles of liberalism, which are the defense of life, freedom and private property.

He said that, in the second half of the 19th century, Argentina adopted liberalism practices and the country grew faster than China’s current rates. He stated that in 35 years Argentina was a world power and that it was the first nation in the world to eradicate illiteracy.

We had a Gross Domestic Product [PIB] total higher than the sum of Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and Peru combined. We were the 1st world power in terms of GDP per capita”these.


Milei said that politics fell in love with the State and “he abandoned the ideas of freedom”which resulted in a century of Argentina’s humiliation and 100 years of decadence in which all the basic rules of the economy were broken.

According to the Argentine president, all economic rules were repeatedly broken to support politicians’ desire to spend more than they could. He also said in the speech that Argentina removed 13 zeros from its currency and had two hyperinflations without going through wars.

The president of Argentina said that citizens were systematically impoverished until they fell to 140th place in the world ranking of GDP per capita. Poverty has multiplied 10 times in 50 years according to him.

Milei declared that 5 million Argentines have nothing to eat. “Enough with socialism, enough with hunger, enough with misery.”, he stated. The president of Argentina was elected in November 2023. The left-wing Peronist candidate Sergio Massa, who was then President Alberto Fernández’s Minister of Economy, won.

Milei also defended direct and free negotiation between workers and employers. She said that women should not be treated as victims and that they need special care.


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