Education officials decided to call for a national march in Plaza de Mayo “in defense of the Argentine public university system” for April 23, in light of the ultraliberal measures being implemented by Javier Milei’s government.

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Meeting on Wednesday (10) in a plenary session at the National University of San Martín (Unsam), the deans and deans of the National Interuniversity Council (CIN) point out that the economic and financial situation of the public university system “is serious and requires a response urgent action from the powers of the national State”.

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“The national government has shown that there is no willingness to resolve these serious conflicts that put the public, free and quality university at risk”, says the CIN statement. The salary situation of workers in university institutions is one of the sector’s main concerns.

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The UBA Superior Council met on Wednesday (10) and unanimously declared the institution’s budget emergency, in addition to deciding to join the National Federal University March that will take place on April 23.

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The Argentine police violently repressed on Wednesday (10) an act by popular movements in the capital, Buenos Aires, which demanded an end to the cuts to popular kitchens, called eaters. At least 12 people were detained and several injured.

There are numerous reports of police brutality against protesters, who gathered in front of the Ministry of Human Capital. Police forces, both federal and from the city of Buenos Aires, launched tear gas bombs and fired rubber bullets and water cannons at those taking part in the event on Avenida 9 de Julio, in the central region of Buenos Aires.

Transport strike in Buenos Aires

Around 140 public transport lines in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires in Argentina have been paralyzed since midnight this Thursday (11) in protest against the lack of payment of the salary increase agreed with the companies, which have threatened reprisals for those who adhere to the strike.

Editing: Rodrigo Durão Coelho


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